Ugh #wearywarrior
I had surgery on my hand on 6/11. They removed a bone because my arthritis had gotten so bad, it was bone on bone. It is now 8/13. First, I didn't realize how awful the post operative pain would be, my daughter had to take me to get more pain meds. Of course, the doctors HATE giving anyone pain meds so that was a fight. I got very ill afterwards, couldn't figure out what it was, nausea, diarrhea, no food. Turned out to be a UTI. It lasted for 30 days because doctors hesitant to give me antibiotics.
A week later, routine bloodwork and urine for Rheumatologist. Awful and obvious UTI, Rheumatologist doesn't want to give me antibiotics without a second urine. Unfortunately I was in a car on the road to Texas and couldn't do it. Ended up in a walk-in clinic in Texas and they PROMPTLY gave me antibiotics.
I am now in a full blown fibro flare. I've never had one this bad before. I cried to sleep last night because everything hurts. #DistractMe
When I tell my OT that my hand hurts, she says "it shouldn't hurt". I don't see how that is helpful communication. I don't care if it shouldn't hurt it hurts!
I was able to get trigger point injections for my head yesterday and the doctor said, this will help with headaches. NO, I woke up with headache today. I can't seem to get a handle on my pain.
Doctors are NOT helpful. I have seen 5 doctors in the last two months, all of them could help me with pain relief with a narcotic, each and everyone of them should help me. But they do not help me. They are in business, not in patient care.
I am so so tired. #Fibromyalgia Raining outside, waterfall of tears.