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Medical trauma can leave you feeling voiceless.

You didn’t choose the earth-shattering diagnoses – you had a stroke, you have cancer, you need an amputation – you could die. Medical personnel speak in their terminology, and you feel lost. Suddenly, you don’t seem to understand the meaning of common words, and the world becomes an overwhelming, too-loud place.

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#DrBarbaraLouw #AquillaWellnessSolutions #Blog #healingjourney #inmyrosegarden #counselling #Cancer #BreastCancer #cancerinspiration #cancerrecovery #reconstruction #Recovery #Trauma #Trauma #recoverymotivation #Support #Amputation #Stroke #Mastectomy #FightCancer #kanker #cancersurvivor #cancerwarrior #cancerthriver #CancerFree #Support

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Managing Your Experience of Medical Trauma Step 1

No pain is insignificant. Suffering is universal.

Many people are too quick to say that "no matter what you are going through, someone has it worse" or "there is always someone with bigger problems". It is emotionally dismissive and conveys the message that your struggle is insignificant and that you are concern is, how is the situation affecting you? Full article:

#DrBarbaraLouw #AquillaWellnessSolutions #Blog #healingjourney #inmyrosegarden #counselling #Cancer #BreastCancer #cancerinspiration #cancerrecovery #reconstruction #Recovery #Trauma #Trauma #recoverymotivation #Support #Amputation #Stroke #Mastectomy #FightCancer #kanker #cancersurvivor #cancerwarrior #cancerthriver #CancerFree #Support

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Supporting a loved one who is ill

Supporting a loved one who is ill is a new and precious part of your relationship. As you embark on a road trip to wholeness, you will grow with that person.

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If you feel helpless or stuck I invite you to contact me and make an online or in-person appointment today!

#DrBarbaraLouw #inmyrosegarden #Blog #healingjourney #counselling #Cancer #BreastCancer #cancerinspiration #cancerrecovery #reconstruction #Recovery #Trauma #Trauma #recoverymotivation #Support #Amputation #Stroke #Mastectomy #FightCancer #cancersurvivor #cancerwarrior #cancerthriver #CancerFree #MedicalTrauma #Oncology #AquillaWellnessSolutions

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Counselling Can Help

The biggest difference to my life now, compared to a couple of years ago, has been recognising that living in chronic pain - let alone with everything else - is living in a situation of daily, ongoing trauma & stress, and, as a result, committing to seeing a counsellor regularly. It seems small, but that hour a month is like having a pressure relief valve that frees up a little more mental & emotional space and helps create more capacity for coping with & enjoying my life more. I’m profoundly thankful for the charity that make it possible.

#ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #cancersurvivor #counselling #Wellbeing #Trauma

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When will they understand #exhaustion ?!

"If you would just exercise more, you wouldn't feel so tired". Are you freaking kidding me?! Remember when you had COVID and could barely walk to the bathroom and back to your bed without wanting to collapse into a puddle? THAT is how I feel after 2 minutes of exercise! Argh!!! #frustration #AutonomicDysfunction #HypermobilitySyndrome #cancersurvivor

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Do you ever feel like you are just a lazy bad person?

I have had a job now for 10 years. I am struggling due to some health issues. This caused me to have a bad review. While I have not been fired, the writing is on the wall that I am no longer needed. They have put me in a role that I am not interested in and I am failing at it. Of course my brain tells me that they finally caught onto me doing shit work and being lazy for the last ten years and that I am just finally getting what I deserve. I want to believe that I have worked hard over the last ten years. I want to believe that I have gotten a shitty health shake and I am mentally and physically struggling but my brain keeps telling me I am a lazy sack of sh** and I shouldn't be surprised they finally caught onto me. #cancersurvivor #heartfailure #Depression #Anxiety #ADHD #PTSD

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#Anxiety / #Depression / #DiabetesType2 Diabetes / Wife of Cancer survivor #

Having a hard day today.
I listened to the lie in my head all weekend that resting would help. Sleeping would help. While resting & sleeping help to some degree, literally staying in bed for the majority of 48 hours is not something that helps. I work full-time and tell myself that I can have one day of the weekend to recover... It's just the past two weekends I've spent the majority of the weekend in my room sleeping for the most part. Of course that over abundance of sleeping left me taking Tylenol PM last night at 11:00 pm so that I wouldn't be staring at the ceiling in the wee hours of the night. It put me to sleep all right... But I woke up feeling like a zombie this morning.
I dragged myself out of bed because my husband's ostomy bag needed to be changed. He survived bladder cancer over the past year and a half. Ended up having to replace the ostomy bag twice (the first time it leaked between the barrier ring and his stoma).
I've made it to work at this point. Albeit an hour and 6 minutes late, but I made it. The old me would have stayed home and stayed in bed all day. Thinking eventually my mood swing would switch to the positive side. I'm proud of myself for going to work. I feel there are a lot of extenuating circumstances that are hitting me left and right lately. Will my husband's bladder cancer come back? He had his one year CT scan this morning. My mother in law passed away less than one month ago and while we weren't close, it's still the only Mom my husband ever had. We will be traveling later this month to her funeral. I have type 2 diabetes that I put on the back burner while my husband went through chemotherapy & cancer appointments. I'm just starting to get my Type 2 diabetes back on track. I have a check in with my endocrinologist this Wednesday. Oh... And then there's the never ending Generalized Anxiety Disorder that rears its ugly head time and time again. It's a definite combo of Anxiety and Depression. One that I manage successfully most of the time. I just need to go back to putting some structure into my weekends so that I don't succumb to "resting" all weekend. Well... Since I am at work (at the County Attorney's Office) I suppose I should get moving on being productive today. Thank you for reading. If you read all of this, can you leave me a short comment? It will help me feel like I'm not just venting to the Ethernet. Thank you in advance! 💞 #Anxiety #DepressionNaps #Depression #BladderCancer #cancersurvivor


Tiring but Great Day

#MentalHealth #Bipolar #ChronicPain #ChronicIllnesses #Fibro #dailyreflections #MightyMinute
Ate salmon sauteed in butter n garlic, drank lots of fluids, had several fruits too!
My caregiver and I got lots done n mine was with heavy heart cuz think I am losing my other caregiver Thursday.
I have lots of appts in the month of August n I don't drive!UGH!

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I am healing and letting myself be truly loved.

I am slowly healing mentally and physically after fighting cancer for 3 years and dealing with Borderline Personality Disorder. I have approximately 5 years to live. I am 40 years old. I have two types of non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I am healing. I am accepting my situation. And I’m letting love crumble my walls built from many of my past wounds. I am a fighter. And I will always be a survivor even when cancer takes my life. #cancersurvivor #cancerterminal #fighter #heal #lovemyself