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Feeling guilty for not having life together

I lost my job at the beginning of 2020 due to mental health issues. I was fired. This was incredibly shameful and I’m still dealing with feelings of shame to this day. (Even though I could not help what I was going through at the time)
I’m 22 years old and I now constantly feel this pressure to be perfect and have the right job, right group of friends, etc. I am told by my parents that these years of your life are supposed to be the best yet I have been diagnosed with depression & anxiety and already feel so burnt out. I feel that this is not normal as none of my other friends have dealt with this. Ibe lost all confidence after this and am feeling a constant battle everyday just to survive myself. I know it comes down to thoughts at the end of the day but I honestly can’t get out of my own head. I am in fear I’m ruining my relationship with my partner and not being able to physically do the things I used to.
So that makes me feel worried and scared for my future. Does anyone experience this need for everything to be figured out at such a young age and fear that your depression will take over your life in your 20’s... #lostjob #Depression #Anxiety #Shame #Adulthood #alone #help #22


#22 ” X27” Girl Carving Her Initials in tree, needlepoint.

Having spastic cerebral palsy I accomplished this project!!


Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Support #CRSP #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD

Hello CRPS warriors!

Just wanted to share what is working for me and see what other people are doing to cope with their chronic Complex Regional Pain Syndrome pain.

It’s really crazy that a healthy/normal life can be changed in a fraction of a second huh! How are you doing these days? My CRPS, depression and PTSD is all flared up right now. Too much stress at this time but doing what I can to distract myself and giving myself ample self compassion.

I just wanted to share with you that I have had some pain relief with using:
- a medical grade infrared sauna
- Dolphin Neuorstim unit, ( check dolphinmps.com out )
- I meditate several times a day and it helps ground me and brings down the pain levels a bit
- I’m going into week #22 of doing 150 cardio minutes per week (heart beat in the 90 to 130 range is my goal for the 150 minutes) with 2 to 3 weight resistance sessions per week as well
- I do Physio exercises daily to help keep me mobile’ish
- I use my Recognise apps for graded motor imagery to help retrain the brain daily
- eat a healthy, organic plant based diet - anti inflammatory diet
- staying hydrated with water daily and drinking juiced cilantro and celery often
- found some things that interest me and so I’m educating myself to help keep my brain active and be productive in a sense
- play thought provoking/strategy games to help with memory and brain fog
- using essential oils in my diffusers and as a massage oil for pain, immunity, and relaxation etc.
- using the Spoon Theory to help others relate to my situation (educating friends and relatives is tuff)

I’m a natural kinda gal!
What do you do to help yourself stay active and fulfilled?
Just wanting to pick everyone’s brain to see what works for them. 🙏🏼
Education and trying new things to help with the chronic pain and stay sane.


#22 Red Flags of Depression

Before I become badly depressed things like logging in through the email will take to much thought and energy, eating is easily forgotten until hunger paiëngs annoy me enough to grab a slice of bread and eat it plain and untoasted, I stop doing things I enjoy, and can't focus even on things I want to do. It's easy to overlook the warning signs but then it's who cares anyway I could die and it wouldn't matter then I just lay in bed to deal with the pain because I get negative in my thinking and when I reach this painful stage I don't have the energy or care to take care of simple things like a shower, dressing, eating, washing dishes, the next step I need to see my Dr or go to hospital and someone else needs to urge me to do so because I'm asking for the end of my existence. I need someone to remind me I still have someone who needs me, whose quality of life depends on me if that isn't sufficient 911 should be called because I have reached deep dark dreary severe bipolar depression where self harm may occur. It has been a long time since hospitalization was required

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