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Does it ever get better? /struggling with life and faith

I’m a Christian, and my whole life, while it hasn’t been easy, has been relatively okay. But now it’s like I’ve turned into an adult and everything was just ripped out from underneath my feet.
My mom isn’t a superhero, she’s human like me. My mental health isn’t perfect, in fact lately it’s been awful. I just lost a very close friend, and I don’t know who to blame for it, or how to process it. I feel insecure in my current friendships now because of it.

I’m going through the worst depression of my life and I don’t know who to talk to. My therapist ghosted me and I feel so alone. I feel like God has abandoned me.

I know I have so many things in my life to be grateful for, and I am. But it’s still so, so hard right now and I’m having trouble finding a point to it all bc every day feels the same.

Please. Anything. If you’re a Christian help me, I don’t know what to do, or if God even loves me anymore. I feel so selfish for even thinking that but I feel so lost.

Please. Help me. Any positive energy helps.



Feeling guilty for not having life together

I lost my job at the beginning of 2020 due to mental health issues. I was fired. This was incredibly shameful and I’m still dealing with feelings of shame to this day. (Even though I could not help what I was going through at the time)
I’m 22 years old and I now constantly feel this pressure to be perfect and have the right job, right group of friends, etc. I am told by my parents that these years of your life are supposed to be the best yet I have been diagnosed with depression & anxiety and already feel so burnt out. I feel that this is not normal as none of my other friends have dealt with this. Ibe lost all confidence after this and am feeling a constant battle everyday just to survive myself. I know it comes down to thoughts at the end of the day but I honestly can’t get out of my own head. I am in fear I’m ruining my relationship with my partner and not being able to physically do the things I used to.
So that makes me feel worried and scared for my future. Does anyone experience this need for everything to be figured out at such a young age and fear that your depression will take over your life in your 20’s... #lostjob #Depression #Anxiety #Shame #Adulthood #alone #help #22


Back to Work Anxiety

I’ve been having depressive episodes and anxiety attacks over the past weeks and I took a 2 week break from work (after telling my boss the truth about my conditions) to rest and I’m gradually feeling better.

I’m returning to work tomorrow but my anxiety is skyrocketing now. I don’t feel ready in any way to go back and I have so many negative thoughts running through my head (I keep wondering if my co-workers will hate me for taking such a long break or if they’ll start to see me as a burden of the team and worrying about having a mental breakdown at work). I just feel like I can’t do the whole responsible working adult thing and I know taking an extended break will just prolong the inevitable, but a part of me just feels like I can’t.

One viable alternative that I’ve been speaking to my therapists about is to quit my job, take a break for a few months to recover and find another job. They were all supportive of me taking a break as recently had a really bad anxiety attack that resulting in a trip to the emergency department. But in terms of finances, practicality and family stigma, it is a hard choice to make. My job is actually my first after college, and it’s great. My co-workers are also really nice. It’s just me and the whole anxiety problem. Adulthood is confusing enough, throw depression, ocd and eating disorder into the mix and you’ll have a big messy disaster.

I don’t want to be an irresponsible adult and I don’t know what to do anymore.

#Depression #OCD #EatingDisorders #Mentalillnessfeelslike #Recovery #Therapy #help #Adulthood #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Workstress #DepressiveEpisodes #Mentalbreakdown #AnxietyAttack #PsychiatricMedication

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Today, we have #survived ALL we have been through thus far 🔥

Today, as I was contemplating the way my life has a way of surprising me (in not the best sort of ways) ... I realized I have SURVIVED IT ALL SO FAR.
The hurts. Betrayals. Scars. A childhood that is full of pain. And, the people who INFLICT the pain.
I survived.
I made it.
My INNER FIRE burns brighter than all of their turmoil, disgust, anguish, and meanness ever could.
So, yeah.
Today. We ALL survived. 🔥🔥🔥 #Childhood #Adulthood #Anxiety #Depression #AbuseSurvivors #PTSD

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