Good Morning Mighty Friends and Family

How are you on this lovely Friday 🌞

As you can tell I've been using up bananas that were ready to turn. So turned them into a yummy loaf of goodness instead.

What have you be up to?

Last night was #Clapforcarers in the UK 8:00pm Thursday evening the whole of the UK gets out onto their doorsteps or opens their windows and bangs and claps For our nations carers. It happens every Thursday now.
A very proud emtional moment for ☺️πŸ˜₯ 65million people.

So tell me what's going on For you?. ....

Much love Tj

#Love #Hugs #Clapforcarers #NHS #Bananas #Chatspace #Chatting #checkonyourneighbours #peace #lovingmyself #Bekind #Positivity #RareDisease #morning #MorningRoutine #Hiya #LoveLife #Loveandkindness #benice