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'Shocking' lack of evidence on antidepressants for chronic pain'- New article from the BBC on a new review of previous studies on the topic

Kind of an inflammatory headline in my opinion 😅

As it could be read as: 'stop taking #antidepressants immediately as they don't help chronic pain AT ALL'.

When rather the review is suggesting:

A) Antidepressants have been prescribed for chronic pain for years and STILL there seems to be no clear or concrete understanding into how they help the pain of chronic pain sufferers.

B) Confusion into whether antidepressants do help the pain aspect of chronic pain.

C) As many suffers have [very unstandably] mental health issues they could be helping that. Making pain management easier 🤔

C) Which antidepressants is concretely better for chronic pain.

Article found here:
'Shocking' lack of evidence on antidepressants for chronic pain

Another wonderful day for chronic pain sufferers🙃

I joke.

It is better to have this awareness and recognition that ultimately MORE RESEARCH, DONE MUCH LONGER is urgently needed.

However, I do feel like articles like this arm those who are very anti-antidepressants. The NHS is definitely trying to move away from prescribing medication in general for chronic pain sufferers.

(In my opinion) though I believe this is more a money saving move than a research influenced change of course. As soon as I see CBT as an alternative I feel vindicated 😆

For those who aren't aware the NHS (largely to save money) prescribes CBT for literally EVERYTHING nowadays 🥲😔

#ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #ChronicFatigue #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #CBT #Agoraphobia #AgoraphobiaWithoutHistoryOfPanicDisorder #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #BackPain #Jointpain #AuditoryProcessingDisorder #BladderIncontinence #InterstitialCystitis #Insomnia #Asthma #Prediabetic #HearingLoss #hippain #dissociation #NHS #Nice

'Shocking' lack of evidence on antidepressants for chronic pain

Hundreds of thousands are prescribed medication without enough scientific proof it helps, UK experts say.
Most common user reactions 6 reactions

Does anyone even care? #NHS

Just got home after 3 hours in A&E. They won't help me, even though I told them I'm a danger to myself. What do they want me to do? Come back when I'm bleeding everywhere.


Thankyou, and an update

Thankyou everyone who offered their support when I posted about my normal MRI and frustration from no answers. I went through the same before almost 3 years ago, and it brings back those memories.

Where I live in the UK, my healthcare depends on the NHS, and I’ve had no less than 3 hospital referrals in 3 months, and I’ve had countless hospitalisations and doctors appointments over the past year. It makes me feel incredibly guilty, and also in a way just tired.

I’m tired of feeling ill. I’m tired of gaining yet another issue, or something getting worse. I’m tired of being a bit of a medical mystery with problems. It makes me feel like it’s just health anxiety causing stuff, even though I physically see the symptoms for some problems, have it down on paper and/or have symptoms that make it impossible to function properly because of other problems. I have to keep reminding myself that it is real, and my body can’t fake results for tests that aren’t normal.

I keep comparing myself to years ago. I would never see the doctors, and when I did they always found something wrong. And now it’s to the point where I don’t want to see the doctors and just want to deal with stuff, because I know it won’t kill me, it just depletes my spirit.

I don’t know how much more of it I can take. And it’s why my mind doesn’t want to fight for answers after a normal MRI. I am just so tired of it. And I am also just fed up of using NHS resources for no real result or improvement in my conditions. Someone else could have both instead.

I tried looking into private health insurance, but my amount of medical conditions makes me ineligible for treatment for those. And it’s also expensive. For the first time in 6 years I don’t even have a job, and my benefits have stopped meaning that all my adjustments etc because of my disability now come out of my own pocket/ will eventually have to stop.

Being young is a blessing, but also a curse when it comes to being chronically ill. It’s a blessing because my mind and body can/ should be able to deal with it better, and it can also handle all the tests and appointments and surgeries that I’ve had/ will have to have. It’s a curse because I know things don’t typically get better or go away, and the idea of having to deal with these issues for the next 50+ years scares me, especially as they’ll likely get worse or I’ll get more problems and it’ll make it unbearable.

Sorry for the mess this post is. It’s 6am and my brain is trying to fight a headache.

#ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #chronicallyill #Pain #NHS #young #Thoughts #MentalHealth #tired

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Why those who identify as women so often dismissed by the medical profession?

Horribly sad that this is such a universal experience. And I'm sure one that all those identifying as women can associate with.

I'm currently living with the consequences of a UTI being entirely dismissed. Now I am in agony every day and sleep in short bursts.

And the NHS wonders why so many are bitter and sue 🙃

Something that also strikes me is that women identifying medical professionals do it as well. The internalised patriarchy is so strong within the global medical profession.

Women's symptoms ignored by GPs - health group - BBC News

#UTI #ChronicDepression #ChronicPain #Endometriosis #Depression #Anxiety #Fibromyalgia #MedicalProfession #NHS #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #BrainFog #ChronicFatigue #SinusInfection #PelvicFloorDysfunction #Pelvicpain #Jointpain #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #Insomnia

Women's symptoms ignored by GPs - health group - BBC News

Women are often misdiagnosed or have to push for a diagnosis, a women's health coalition says.
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Let down by those who were helping me #Depression #MentalHealth #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD

Great (!) Psychiatrist decides that *now* is a good time to discharge me from outpatients. No one else here but Amitayus Caleb cat and much as I love him, he's not very talkative.

Psychiatrist won't refer me to psychologist because of everything that's happening (I'd have thought that was the perfect time TO refer me) and if I want to talk to someone I've to (and I quote), "ring voluntary organisations like the Samaritans."

He won't consider any other diagnoses saying I have #DysthymicDisorder and #EUPD emotionally unstable personality disorder. Would you *really* discharge someone who feels so vulnerable?

I feel let down by the #NHS in Scotland really let down.

I *am* seeing my GP about something completely unrelated so a friend has suggested mentioning what's happened tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

(the photo is of him watching the person leading the relaxation meditation on my phone)


Utterly shocked

I have just opened an email regarding a ADHD appointment for a diagnosis. Seeing the title of the email referred to this appointment I felt hope that I was moving forward with this issue. But having read its contents I am crushed. Its says I am on a NHS waiting list for 18-24 months. I have looked at private and it is extortionate at around £700 pounds or more which i can no way afford. Just confirms what I knew that mental health is of such little importance in the UK. #adhd #Depression #NHS

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Struggling with mental health

I’ve been off work since July, I have been diagnosed with BPD, moral injury and PTSD. The only person that knows is my husband I feel too embarrassed and guilty to tell anyone else, I can’t watch the news and social media as I am still having anxiety attacks, I had no mental health problems before working on covid wards. I now have to prove to work that this is all caused from work related stress which is causing me even more anxiety. It was my birthday yesterday and I got 3 cards, I know this is silly but I had so many family members say they just forgot to post a card, I feel my mental health has pushed them all away and because I am off sick they are no longer proud of me, as they were when I was the Nhs covid ward worker, and are even ashamed of me and my inability to carry on. My husband has gone back to work today he is doing his best but I am having a really bad day already and feeling numb and dissociative. I feel so alone and angry all the time #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #NHS #COVID19 #Selfcare