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I have been feeling low and loney today. This quote has brought much comfort. I know this dark cloud will pass #lonely #Loneliness #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar1 #morning

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Did you Choose to Be Happy or Miserable?

A friendly tip. Always start each #morning on a #positive thought. "Today is gonna to be a good day. I know we all can't really choose are emotions. We can choose how to face our day. #TheMighty #MightyTogether

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I think that I have been having relationships with the days of the week. I think from a young age I have always looked at friday as the day before my time. I ask myself now what is my time? Is it the weekend? is it the absence of the traditional work week? Or is it me telling myself something about one day vs another?

I found that my truth was found when I identified the lie I was telling myself about the time I wasn't taking for myself. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and #Friday have all been mine to do something with.

#morning coffeethoughts


Struggling to balance on sertraline

#Sertraline #morning anxiety
Going on week 3 of Sertraline 100 mg. Sleeping fine, but consistently waking before my alarm feeling anxious and struggling through the day still anxious and/or depressed. Around 6 pm, I start to feel better and normal. Wishing I could stay awake at night and sleep through the day… how do I turn this around?? I need to be productive during the day, not mopey and lazy. So frustrating.

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Hello 🖐 Good Morning #CheckInWithMe

Hello and Good Morning

Welcome to All the New Members of ChatSpace Too.

I hope you will Say hello back
Even if it's just a Wave 🖐

How are you all doing today

Saturday 8 th August
Wow its August already

Where has this year gone already.

ChatSpace is for you all, a space for you to chat talk vent rant get stuff off your chest

Share things remembering that this is a safe place, The Mighty and ChatSpace is a community full of like minded members.
Who only have love compassion kindness giving support in their heart.

So please say hello 🖐introduce yourself if you are new. Tell ChatSpace how you are today. Good bad or inbetween.

Help each other out, because Our Mighty members well we are the very very best at doing this. 😘🤗❤ sharing our experiences and love for each other.

Love n hugs Tj 😁☺️😎🐕🐶🐾😚🦄🦓🎊🎉🎀🎈☕😘🤗❤🙌

#Chatspace #Bekind #Kindness #Vent #rant #Selfcare #compassion #Family #Friends #Hope #Bekindtoyourself #checkonyourneighbours #Anxiety #Hello #morning


Mornings ☀️

Many people with POTS will probably relate to the fact that mornings are so not my thing. I am a true night owl. School was always rough because I’d feel so sick in the mornings, I couldn’t even focus and sometimes I’d have to skip first period. During the summer I don’t really have to wake up at any particular time so I haven’t struggled with any morning symptoms in awhile. This morning though I wanted to have a productive day so I set my alarm for 11:00, which is so not early. I got 9 hours of sleep, I should be good. WRONG. I woke up super groggy and now I am laying on my couch suffering from overwhelming nausea and a headache. Lessons to be learned from this? I will now be living my life as a sloth 🦥 #LivingWithPOTS #POTSLife #ChronicIllness #Sleep #Spoonie #nausea #Headache #morning #Summer #Nightowl #SpoonieProblems #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome