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Take A Moment To Ground Yourself

Sit with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Feel the earth below you. Feel your connection to the earth below you. Know that you are part of this creation, you belong here, and you have purpose here. You are valued. You are special. And you are loved.

Bring your hands to heart center, and bow in reverence to your Creator.

Deep breath in. Long breath out.

Stay here in the silence for another moment or two, or until you feel grounded.

#peace #MentalHealth #Anxiety

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Those little moments

Suddenly everything lifts, a little break from the weight and the chaos that life can bring.
Walking through a field with my dog, humming my favourite songs, enjoying the sunshine, watching a small butterfly land in the grass and suddenly I can breathe! That heaviness in my chest and that twisting feeling in my stomach is still there, so is all the pain, but for now at least, it’s not all there is, for now there’s a softening and a lightness alongside all the struggles and in these little moments I find hope, I find joy, I find peace.
#Hope #Joy #peace #PTSD #ChronicPain #MentalHealth

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Mid-week Thoughts #peace #harmony #smile

It's Wednesday and you've already got through three days of the week. Just two more days and it's the weekend once again. Go on, you're doing great. 🙂

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Favorite Verse of Scripture #Comfort #peace #MentalHealth

What’s your favorite scripture verse? If you don’t know which one to comment, maybe think of ones that have helped you in your darkest hours.
Whether it be from the Bible, the Quran, the Book of Mormon, or another book of scripture, all are welcome.

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Since my recent time in the hospital I have been contemplating my life path & I have decided to step away from any activity in this group for awhile

I am choosing to shift my focus from my health to new opportunities. Through my recent ordeal with 9 days in the hospital I realized I don't want to spend so much time thinking and talking about my health. I have decided that in sharing my story repeatedly here and in my life I have been caught living in my past, and this has taken so much of my time & energy. My plan is to concentrate on being & living in the present and then use my energy to search and find things that give me joy and nourish my spirit and my soul.

I am thankful and proud that I have survived some very difficult times with serious health challenges and found the strength and spirit to fight through, however I just came to realize that this blessing of life has with it opportunities for new experiences, journeys and paths to explore, and I can't do that when I’m talking and thinking about being a survivor and even using the term professional patient to describe myself. I am so much more than that.

I am choosing to step aside from this group and try to create a life that isn’t focused on sharing about my health. Therefore I will be taking a break from being on The Mighty and leading this group. I appreciate all your support throughout this time and if you would consider keeping me in your thoughts and prayers I'd be very grateful.

There are now over 2,700 members in this group and I trust that you can all be there for each other and this will continue to be an active peer-to-peer community. Please read each other’s posts, respond with replies & comments, offer support and empathy, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it too.

Sending blessings for good health, peace, serenity and abundance to you all, and big virtual hugs,


#MentalHealth #Depression #Disability #Selfcare #selfove #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Anxiety #MightyTogether #PTSD #DistractMe #CheckInWithMe #IfYouFeelHopeless #Hope #peace #Love #Joy

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My aunt lost her battle with cancer last week. I got a chance to see her the week before (I live in a different state). She was so happy to see me and my mom. I got to say goodbye. Glad I was able to be with her for a little bit.
The waves of sorrow ebb and flow. Having a rough time since I started working on the materials for the services. Just feeling a heaviness. Fortunately, it’s not a 24/7 thing. I’ve been focusing on helping my cousin. I can only imagine how overwhelmed she is right now.
I trust God will keep us during this season, as God has done before. We continue to push through. #Grief #BPD #Depression #suckyholidays #strength #peace

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finding strength in my peace and silence

I'm doing better thanks to the peace I can find within. It's been two weeks I've been able to carry on like this and I feel blessed.

#peace #BPD #SocialAnxiety #Anxiety #native #silence #strength

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