This is terrifying. I am scared for everyone in this country. I feel so ashamed to even say that I am an “American.” I am scared of the global costs (financial, environmentally, politically, etc) and the consequences to other nations.
I’ve been so mad recently. I signed up to do more volunteering, specifically at a place to support those who are directly impacted. I do not know what else to do. It felt like something, a step forward into a widening gap of needs for people who live here. But now I do not even know how much longer I will have my basic needs met.
I feel like I’m dissociating, depersonalizing. Either that or I’m in a dystopian novel. A local restaurant raided, another report at a place I used to play Pokémon go. People swept up. It doesn’t make any sense. I feel like my story doesn’t make any sense. They said it would only be criminals. I didn’t believe them. I don’t believe them now.
I am disabled. I am scared I am going to lose government assistance. I am scared I will wake up one morning without insurance and not be able to refill my medication. Right now, the news is saying coverage is not impacted. But these pauses will impact my services. And when I have that conversation, I am told it’s not happening yet. And I feel like I’m being hushed with false promises, because we all are scared it is inevitable. I don’t believe them.
I survive by accessing these supports. I survive at the mercy of this government.
I am so sorry to anyone who is being impacted by this. I did not vote for this. I do not support this.
I don’t even know if I am allowed to say this stuff on here. I just don’t know what else to do.
#Disability #Agoraphobia #Anxiety #PanicDisorder #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ChronicVestibularMigraine #Migraine #ADHD #ADHDInGirls #Trauma #MightyTogether #CheckInWithMe