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First Post Here... Hey Y'all

Well, I don't even know where to begin. It has become apparent in the last 18 months that my husband of nearly 24 years is a narcissist. He's always been super judgmental (and acknowledges this fact, but has never tried to change it).

Well, we are definitely in a rocky place. Yes, I have a hand in it -- but, so does he. It takes 2 to tango, ya know.

Anyways, over the last year+ the home environment has gotten fairly hostile. When he gets home from work, I've been informed I'm "not supposed to speak to him until he's ready"... but he never indicated when that was. So I did set a boundary there... I told him he can't come sit down next to me on the sofa until "he's ready" because I'll inevitably talk to him. He expects me to just "know" when it's ok and not ok to talk to him (based on his mood - which is ever changing).

Even asking a simple question is met with extreme defensiveness. I was attempting to explain something medical from my doc to him, and he misunderstood. When I said his understanding was incorrect, he yelled "that's what you JUST said"... even though it wasn't. So I simply started over and said everything again. He doesn't listen to me. In fact, we had a HUGE discussion/argument about MY food preferences regarding pickled red onions (I like them, he insisted I didn't). Not 3 days later, he didn't remember the conversation. (He "never remembers" what he's said.)

He was going to therapy, but hasn't gone in at least 5 weeks. He was the one who said he wanted marriage counseling, but is now refusing. What do I do??

#narcissisthusband #narcissistspousalabuse #Gaslighting #Depression #Anxiety #BPD #AvPD #ADHD #Fibromyalgia #DDD #chronicpainpatient #Gastroparesis #Achalasia #Stressedout

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If We Are Going to End the Discrimination of #ChronicPain Patients, We Must Become Active Political Participants -Never Forget #wearethegovernment !

Hello folks, I am John Burchardt. I am a son, husband, father, grandfather, business owner, coach, navy veteran, and sadly a #Disabled #chronicpainpatient . Ten years ago I was poisoned by the generic version of Zocor, (tm), a Statin medication. The ending result of this poisoning was the gift of a Toxic Myopathy known as Inclusive Body Myopathy. A denigrative muscle disease with no known treatments or cures; all I can do is TRY to focus on my quality of life.

Just like millions of you, that life quality was dependent upon the use of prescribed opiate medications. We all know what has happened to patients like us over the last several years with the alleged opioid war and I have decided to utilize whatever time I have left to END this war on us! And STOP the culling of #disabledAmericans .

The first step to victory in this war is to become one of the powerful few by running for political office in my home state of Illinois. Given the new census data, states are redrawing their political districts. While IL's new congressional districts has yet to be established, we do know that democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth is up for re-election. A federal election campaign would provide much more media coverage, but a US Senatorial campaign can be very very expensive. A congressional race would be cheaper, but depending on how the districts are laid out, it may not garner the media attention needed to make #ChronicPain a true political issue for the masses.

The state's legislative house & senate districts have been established and these new local boundaries have created a non-incumbent opportunity in the Senate's 40th district & the House's 80th district. Unfortunately, these political campaigns will garner only local media, which in these rural areas outside Chicago is regulated to local newspapers & radio stations, but for residents of these districts and the rest of the state we would have the opportunity to stop the madness being imposed upon us!

If you are an IL resident, please let me know. Never forget #wearethegovernment - it belongs to US because it is US!


Diagnosis for Disability #sacroilitis #Disability #chronicpainpatient #cpp

I haven't met anyone here who has sacroilitis or si joint dysfunction. This disease has stole my life from me. I am having to fight tooth and nail to get disability. Has this been the case for anyone else that had the same diagnoses?