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Sick of It #codependancy #Depression

I'm so sick of people making my struggles about them. How many times do I have to explain my brain is foggy and there's no explaining how you feel when you don't know yourself. Just leave me alone!
Then I feel guilty for feeling that way...which is not helpful.


Lonely #Anxiety #codependancy #MajorDepression #Agoraphobia #Autism

I just lost my only friend. We ended our friendship over her doing something terrible. Anyways, I feel so alone. I have no one to talk to. I don’t really leave the house. I don’t socialize because of my agoraphobia and anxiety. How can i cope? My depression hasn’t been as bad the past several months. But now I worry it will consume me because I spend hours just sitting, not knowing what to do with myself. I have things i can do, but i can’t bring myself to do them. I can’t get in to therapy until the end of Feb. I need help. I can’t even bring myself to look at the TV. I feel completely drained all the time. I’m scared of so many things. My intrusive thoughts are more and more. I need peace and focus. Are there any free apps that help you? Any exercises or hobby’s? Any tips are much appriciated. Thank you! #Anxiety #Agoraphobia #MajorDepression #AutismApps #codependancy


Feeling is important

Failure is the foundation of learning. You don't fail you don't learn

3lvery time that you don't fail you're probably going to fIl harder cuz there's something coming up you don't know.

Every failure is one step closer to succes

. First part of being smart is knowing you're not

#BipolarDisorder #Autism #PervasiveDevelopmentalDisorders
#Anxiety #On #DepressiveDisorders
#codependancy #PTSD


Its hard

I live for the weekends ...hubby works aways and he is home only on weekends..i work go through the motions and make to Friday to see him only hipe it up so much that im always disappointed...dont get me wrong he does nothing wrong its me n my head ..he is my best friend and i miss him so much when he is gone..maybe to much...mondays i cry and feel alone ..mondays are hard...

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Learn to say no

I'm pretty good at it I'm pretty straightforward. I just say no.

You can be polite and say no thank you.

You don't have to put yourself out for people that you don't want to or they don't deserve it. Or they're just going to use you.

When people get mad because you set a boundary that means they're trying to manipulate you.



Life is to short

Life is too short to be wasting time with those that mind who you are those who are unsure about you, those who make you feel all alone in their company, those who apologize without changed behavior, those who don't water you back, and those who play the victim when you call them out on their bullshit.



Once you realize that people calling you names or talking about you, yelling, or arguing with you,; they are just a projection of them on you,

Yuu'll will be free and just laugh

And such a nice laugh it is..



Be free and laugh

Once you realize that people calling you, talking about you, yelling, arguing about you.l; that it is just a projection of them on you,

you will be free and just laugh


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My revenge

My revenge is to love myself, heal myself, forgive myself, ground myself, let go and move on, do inner and shadow work, raise my emotional intelligence and vibration, and set healthy boundaries.

#codependancy #PTSD