Major Depression

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This is distressing…TW…abuse mentioned.

I have been dealing with a situation that has culminated in my son facing criminal charges as well as civil penalties involving vulnerable adult abuse against me. It is all finally coming to a head and hopefully the end is in sight without completely distorting our parent child relationship. My current situation is that the extreme distress has caused my first physically overwhelming consequences. A week ago today I broke out in hives that keep getting worse. Some of them started blistering yesterday. I am in an assisted living facility and a histamine diet is not possible. The residence claims they can’t do that and stay within state mandates. Benadryl is not doing anything. I don’t know what else I can do for some relief. Suggestions and ideas no matter how crazy they might be? I do not have a current physician that is familiar with MCAS. I have an appointment with a new allergist/immunologist but not for another 6 weeks! I have so many symptoms besides this both mental and physical health related. But this is the most urgent at this point. ANY and ALL suggestions are welcome… #PTSD #MastCellActivationDisorder #Histaminediet #vulnerableadult #Abuse # #Hives #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #DID #MentalHealth #Insomnia #MajorDepression #HEDS #AutonomicDysfunction

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Leaning on knowing my Resilience -Personal Example

Yesterday to this morning for me is another example of why I am so thankful every day that I took the University of Pennsylvania’s online course on learning and applying resilience skills, so grateful that I typed up every single word that was taught, and that I recently started this group to share this critical knowledge from the actual people that researched this.

U. of Penn’s definition of Resilience is not only the ability to bounce back from adversity, but also the ability to grow from challenges.

In this course, Dr. Karen Reivich focuses on the psychosocial aspects of resilience. The aspects of resilience that are determined by your psychology, and by your social relationships and interactions.

So, yesterday was one of the rare days within recent years that 1) my fatigue completely took hold of me, and 2) my brain’s sleepiness was to the point that most of my brain would not wake up - all day- and I could see myself not able to function practically at all.

It’s not like this was the first time this ever occurred, and it’s always a possibility, but it is still very hard to watch myself go through this and it is also very hard to wake up from the next morning—the kind of “slap in the face” reminder that oh yeah, I live with a chronic illness that can at times, and I will never know when, will have me almost completely disabled.

So, this morning I woke up with this “setback.” And I look at it like I was brought to a “fork in the road.” And now while yesterday’s adversity was not in my control, this morning, which I always work to look at as a fresh, new day full of good possibilities, it was actually now in my control as to which way I let myself go in my mind at this “fork in the road.”

Of course upon waking up, my mind started on autopilot and took me the wrong direction. Then, the moments that I made myself ready for, the clarity, the practice of never staying in autopilot and moving forward on purpose, with intention, with as much control as I can have and before it gets too hard to get the control back.

I turned my brain’s thinking around, I put my focus on the truths that were on my side- including but not limited to the fact that I Have Bounced Back From Much Worse Than This…;and I turned my mind away from dangerous cognitive distortions and right then and there pretty fast I would not let the negativity bring me downward.

Yesterday, I still had the mindful awareness to apply radical acceptance, non-judging, patience, trust, and just letting be with what is — for this one day -these are part of the 9 Attitudes of Mindfulness that I have begun to write posts about here for you. These all link together with the skills of resilience.

What you will learn too here, amongst other important things is that -it is when we start paying attention to our inner experience, that we rapidly discover that there are certain thoughts and feelings and situations that our mind seems to want to hold on to.

And amongst other what are called “resilience interventions” that I applied were these skills that I committed to in living with intention- what are called “protective factors” that I nurture every single day so they will be there for me when I need them most, when I have to dig deeper from a wider range of resources —

I learned the Critical Skill of Optimism —which gives us the attitude to continue to persist —and I learned how Optimism is the most important factor in resilience and in all of life - well-being and strong relationships;
I commit myself to living for clarified purposes that are bigger than myself, this is not limited to relationships, it is even better for our wellbeing to have an attachment to something larger than yourself which might also be to a mission, to a purpose, to an idea, something that you believe is critically important and worth fighting for (by the way, my personal mission is that all of you are worth fighting for);
I learned what my Personality/Character Strengths are and I learned how to leverage them;
I Developed Mental Agility;
I learned how to create a “buffer of positivity”, and what is called the “Broaden And Build” theory of positive emotions;
I learned how to take control of “thinking traps” by applying “cognitive strategies”…

All of these are what is so effective about the newest branch of psychology that I approach my life by to overcome all that I do overcome— where in addition to everything else, we build strengths supports.

Positivity Psychology, a somewhat newer term, describes a dual approach to mental health- where we build strengths supports, and healthy lifestyles, as well as treating illness and distress.

AlI of this is all what I will keep breaking down into chunks in most of my posts here to this group.
This takes some work first on my part - to keep breaking down the many variables- so bear with me.

#MentalHealth #MajorDepressiveDisorder #ChronicFatigue #ChronicIllness #Disability #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Depression #Anxiety #MoodDisorders #MotorDisorders #BipolarDepression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #AutismSpectrumDisorder #AnorexiaNervosa #EatingDisorders #BipolarDisorder #Selfcare #ADHD #Relationships #FamilyAndFriends #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Cancers #Addiction #Selfharm #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #SuicideAttemptSurvivors #Suicide #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #PTSD #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #PostTraumaticStressDisorder #Trauma #RheumatoidArthritis #SocialAnxiety #LearningDisabilities #CrohnsDisease #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #RecurringMDD #TreatmentresistantDepression #Mindfulness #MDD #TRDSupport #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #AutonomicDysfunction #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #MultipleSclerosis #LymeDisease #MajorDepression #ClinicalDepression #MotivationMonday #resilience #Grief

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I am desperate to find a psychiatrist.

I saw a psychiatrist , the best I’ve ever had in my 30+ years of Major Depression with Anxiety disorder. He retired 1 year ago, it was difficult but I found a pHD nurse practitioner who continued the same medications for 6 months. Suddenly she decided it wasn’t good for me to be on Clonazepam 0,5 mg tid and Ambien 5 mg hs. I was doing well with some antidepressant adjustments over those 18 years.
She has tapered me off Ambien and I still have insomnia. She has tapered me down to Clonazepam twice a day, with resulting increased social anxiety, a terrible habit of picking the skin off my thumb until I have sores. I am fearful and anxious. Decreased appetite.reclusiveness to my apartment, no interterests…..I used to read, do crafts. Now all I am interested in is my 2 cats, and my Chihuahua. I was an advocate for wolves and animals that couldn speak for themselves, used to foster kittens and volunteer at an animal she,yet. I no longer drive because of decreased vision and lack of spatial awareness. I have no family living in Denver. I am at odds with my entire family because of the election. I live with my husband in a senior living retirement. My husband is very supportive but he is gone most of the day because he is very involved in activities here.
I need to find a psychiatrist who will allow me to stay on Clonazepam and Ambien, plus my Paxil and Wellbutrin….therapuetic medications that help me maintain some sort of normalcy in my depressed state.
I desperately need help. Her suggestion was to make friends, get out more…which I have tried. All of my best friends live in the Midwest or Northwest, including my two children an 3 grandchildren. Help me please.
#Depression #MajorDepression , #AnxietyDisorder
, #fearful ,#reclusuve ,

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Heal Song by Tom Odell

I have had this song on repeat this week. I hope you listen to it free on YouTube or however, but a video with the lyrics is even more helpful.
I hope these lyrics with his voice on this particular song helps wash away some of your pain too.
Try consciously breathing in an out while you listen to his resounding lyrics:

Take my mind
And take my pain
Like an empty bottle takes the rain
And heal, heal, heal, heal

And take my past
And take my sins
Like an empty sail takes the wind
And heal, heal, heal, heal

And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last

And take a heart
And take a hand
Like an ocean takes the dirty sand
And heal, heal, heal, heal

And take my mind
And take my pain
Like an empty bottle takes the rain
And heal, heal, heal, heal

And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last

#Pain #Trauma #heal #PTSD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MajorDepression #ClinicalDepression #Fatigue #ChronicIllness #Disability #TRD #TreatmentresistantDepression #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MoodDisorders #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #DepressiveDisorders #Grief #Songs #Lyrics #MentalHealth #MightyMusic #musictherapy #Music #BipolarDepression

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#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepression #SocialAnxiety #PTSD Day 2.

I'm on my way, yesterday was actually a good day. I was impressed by the company and was able to talk to some people there ( Introvert here) .
I got home and talked to my daughter about everything, she was very happy for me. I'm hopeful and I'm really trying to be thankful for everything good that has come to my life.
*To the ones that have texted me, I'm from El Salvador, so there's a time difference, I don't mean to be rude towards anyone here*
Thank you all for your love and support.
#MightyTogether #MyJourney #Salvadoran

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#PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepression #SocialAnxiety #MightyTogether First day, on my way to my new job.

People say that I had my Britney moment when I shaved my head. This is the 1st time since March that I go out without a hat. I'm optimistic, and hopeful. I think I will be ok again. I'm not worried about my looks, just to start working and paying things on my own. I know things won't be easy all the time. But, hey! I got out of bed and that's one step.
Thank you for reading.
#Salvadoran #MentalHealth #MyJourney

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#PTSD #MajorDepression #SocialAnxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder I have a job interview tomorrow

These days have been weird, I'm ok and then I'm not. I need and want to work to be more independent. But I 've been dragging this feeling of not leaving my house. I feel terrible, and I'm looking for excuses not to go out tomorrow, then again I will cry because I don't have a job or financial freedom. I know that I am sabotaging myself, I'm totally aware of what I do. I just don't know how to stop it
. *UPDATE* I was able to get a job, I start tomorrow, I'm excited and very hopeful about this new experience. #Update #Newjob #MightyTogether

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Not my best day. #migrain #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepression #SocialAnxiety #PTSD #Diabetes #HighBloodPressure

I went to the doctor today, needed a refill for insulin and my high blood pressure meds. There was a lady playing songs in the waiting room ( it was loud) (Central American Country) I was having a nasty headache since 3am and I asked her to turn it down, she didn't. I don't like confrontation so I left and decided to get there later. When I came home my ex husband had left a note asking where I was ( I get triggered really fast) I tell him on a text that is not his problem. Things escalated so quickly that he called and we started arguing, he suddenly says I have no time for this and blocks me. Then I'm in my bedroom crying with this nasty headache and trying to understand what just happened????? Out of the blue, he sends food, unblocks me and says I'm sorry. I wish, I could finalize my divorce and leave, I have to wait for my daughter to turn 18 so I can have the process done for free since I'm unemployed. Today has been a mess.

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Desperate #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepression #SocialAnxiety

Hi, it's me again. I'm job hunting right now. It's hard because of my BPD there are little to none places that would hire me because of my work history (inability to hold a job) I set up new daily goals for myself. Not reaching out for my dad, reading and taking care of myself. Not drinking soft drinks and stuff like that.
I get desperate because I don't want to ask my ex husband for money or support.
I hope I can find a job so I can be more independent and enjoy quality time with my daughter and my dogs.
BTW I don't drink or smoke, it's just that I cry a lot and tend to run away when I'm overwhelmed (Working on it) Thank you for reading my updates.

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