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Has anyone been PEC'd or put in the hospital for Covid-19 and Mental illness at the same? #Co -morbid Mental Illness #COVID -19

As a non-high risk person, I contracted Covid-19. I also have co-morbid mental illness. I was attending a virtual Intensive Outpatient Program and my LCSW noticed that I was really going down hill physically as well as mentally. She talked with my therapist and psychiatrist and they completely snowballed me. They PEC'd me. (They admitted me to the hospital against my will) I was in program and my mom comes into the room with a police officer. There was am ambulance waiting outside and after about an half-hour of trying to tell them I was fine, off I went against my will. My LCSW felt I was gravely, gravely disabled and told me when we talked I was being provocative. After the ED, they put me on a 1:1 on a Bio-contained medical floor with all the other covid patients. The 1:1 sat outside the door, with the door closed. They rotated a nurse from the psych floor up to the medical floor, I had a Dr that "used to be" a psychiatrist, a really quiet psychiatric resident and a different LCSW that didn't know up from down. They would come into the room, in all the proper PPE, stand really far back and stay long enough to ask like three questions. They had no interest in treating me because of the fact that I was a psych patient on a medical floor, with a strong stigma over my head with Borderline Personality Disorder. I was isolated, put on phone restriction (not allowed to call or receive any calls), not a single person to talk to and struggling with covid. I talked my way into going home a bit over a week later. The LCSW did absolutely no discharge planning. The covid is better (thank goodness) but my depression has tanked as well as a major increase in suicidal thoughts. I feel worse mentally than when I went in. I don't know what to do? Was anyone else in the hospital on a psych and medical service, and how were you treated? How were you when you went home? Feeling majorly discouraged and lost. #COVID19MentalHealthCare #MajorDepressiveDisorder #CPTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #Auditoryhallucinations #Disabled


House plant self-care

When COVID became a real threat in the US, I packed my bags and drove 800 miles, 13 hours to my hometown to be with family... just in case things got really bad. I had not forgotten about the trauma I experienced there. I just hoped, like I often do that things would be better. Hoped that she would be less alcoholic and more nurturing. I was wrong. Nevertheless, I was in the city for 6 weeks, re-exposing myself to old wounds and gaining new ones. Fresh trauma sent me racing back to my southern safe haven. My small sunny apartment of 10 years.

Since being back I recovered a new joy. My new hobby of caring for houseplants. I had 3 before I left and 2 survived 6 weeks with no attention. I started researching plants, watching videos and I’m now trying very hard to temper my desire for more plants. I have purchased 8 more. I am intentionally buying them small bc they are cheap and I get the pleasure of watching them grow. I get to give it attention and nurture it. My favorite is this little ‘string of pearls.’ I’m going to get a monstera today.

I’m unemployed with no income, but this is my healthy distraction. This is my joy!
#Selfcare #Depression #houseplants #DysfunctionalFamily #covidanxiety #COVID19MentalHealthCare #Anxiety #PMDD


This isn’t so much for https://anyone.I wanted to have a reminder

We only need each https://other.Its our choice to cry alone, laugh alone, grieve alone, play alone.
It’s also our choice to join up and become friends, even if it’s over https://ZOOM.Have a ZOOM party in your room, share a drink , eat a meal together, play truth or dare, tell secrets.
Being lonely is hard, I know that COVID-19 has broken some of https://us.Has left some of us https://alone.Its even torn families apart.
But...we can choose to get back out there even stronger than before.
Once everything slows down, we’ll make memories again.
Families will become whole again and as life has taught us we will smile again(not that we ever stopped).
Nothing will ever be the same, but as I’ve learned, being the same isn’t what we should strive https://for.And we need to accept this new reality, COVID isn’t going anywhere.

Spread love
Spread joy
And spread a little Nutella for good measure...
And for the love of GOD!!
Keep smiling, laughing, dreaming and planning.


Shouldn’t psychiatrists be taking COVID19 Seriously

When my doctors office called to confirm my appt, I told them I’m self-isolating and couldn’t make it. When I asked if the office was setting up any safety protocols, I was met with surprise. This practitioner handles both my meds and my therapy. Unlike other specialists, she has not sent any word reassuring patients about how they are taking precautions and how we can receive care if we need it. This seeming lack of concern from a mental health provider seems odd. I’m scared. Any suggestions? Thank you.

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