Really want to start using this app. Struggling with a lot right now & almost every article I read on The Mighty I can really relate to. #PMS is always hard. It exacerbates my #ChronicPain, #SensoryOverload, my #CPTSD.
I have two teeth on my bottom where there is a dead nerve & the one next it is looking bad too. It’s painful but I can’t do it with my sensory issues. Nitrous oxide is poisonous to me, local anesthesia doesn’t even work. I can’t deal with the metal scraping against my teeth, it’s painful, the sound, like nails on a chalkboard. I haven’t been in almost 8 years. I’m terrified. Nothing works well enough, not my anxiety meds. #DentalAnxiety
I’m kind of just full of fear about a lot. I have found I am #Autistic & #executivedysfunction is something I also deeply struggle with. So even calling the dentist & talking to them is overwhelming but something needs to be done.
I feel like I spend my life trying to relax every moment I can because I always feel so stimulated & “on”. On a positive note, I have recently have discovered “paint by numbers” for adults & am absolutely loving it. I have always enjoyed the sensory experience of painting but struggled to put my imagination on paper, this is more relaxing, like coloring books without having to make decisions on what to design & what colors to use. Takes all the decisions out of it which helps. It’s #TheLittleThings