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My #Daydream seems like a #nightmare

I have a #Daydream where I find the right #Job and lose my #unemployment and work 40 hours a week. It sounds like a #nightmare because a 40 hour work week is #scary for me. It takes away so much time from #Selfcare and #Recovery that it brings me to a point of #tears .

I began to do the whole #comparing myself to others and #Wondering why I could not be like another. I truly feel #helpless whenever I become #jobless

It is difficult for me to find a #Job that can work with a #Disability and not feel #stigmitized by my #employer secretly. I feel like I am this cat in the photo, in my own #World where everything around me is just blowing up. It is not that I do not #Care anymore, but it is that there is only so much I can do. I might as well take normal pictures along the way and try to be as #normal in my #Abnormal world possible.

Perhaps a "vocational" center will be #helpfull in finding a #Career rather than just a job... But I do not know how much #Stigma exists. I suppose I am just #afraid and at the same time #Brave for keeping applying and trying.

Wish me #luck !

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I had the second nightmare this month last night and it really rattled me. I woke up anxious this morning from it. #Anxiety #nightmare

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thirst and sore throat

Does any of you who suffers from anxiety or is highly stressed struggle with periodic chronic thirst (in my case it is particularly high at night and makes me have a lot of nightmares; or is also related to salty foods that I should avoid at dinner, but it's not always the case) and then an annoying sore throat that in my case comes occasionaly but last the whole day and whatever I do it doesn't go away?

Of course, I would like to discover if anyone else struggles with something just similar, not the same as me.

Anyone has struggles related to anxiety, stress and thirst?

Thank you 😊

#Anxiety #Stress #Insomnia #thirst #sorethroat #throatache #nightmare

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The Roller Coaster

I hate the idea of bouncing from side to side and trying to stay on track of everything. It feels like an utter #nightmare I hate how it feels as if I am struggling to make sense of things today. Yesterday was a rough day for me, and passive aggressive management at my job was not very helpful.

I can't wait until the day I can get a better handle on my roller coaster and not feel so out of control. Happy then Sad, then frustrated. I am a ping pong ball and the paddle is life. I don't respond well to the hits of natural life. Just when I thought I was doing it, I realized I have these struggles.

I know it's psychological because I am feeling physically #tired . I slept without medicine last night, and this morning I kept sleeping and I still feel like sleeping. Unfortunately there is not much I can do at the moment... But just keep moving.

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☆ " So Today Was A Bad Day... These Customer's Think That They Can Do Whatever They Want... " ☆ #Depression

× " So I Had An Older Lady Come In To Order Food With Her Husband... The Husband Handed Me $20 To Pay For Thier Food... And The Wife Kept Claiming That She Had Given Me A $50 Bill... Which Was Not True... Then She Started Accusing Me Of Pocketing The Money... I Told My Boss.. Even My Boss Was Like We Don't Have A $50 Bill In Our Cash Drawer... And Then As The Day Went On I Had 2 Customer's Coming In Demanding Margarita's.. To Go... But Our Policy Say's That Customer's Need To Purchase A Food Item's With A Margarita's... These Customer's Got Mad At Me And Yelling At Me.. Well We Went Through The Drive-Thru... And We Alway's Get Margarita's Without A Food Purchase... Well Idk Where They Are Getting This Information... But We Don't... And Now I Work With 3 New People And My Boss Treat's Nicer Than The One's Who Have Work There Longer... These Younger People Get To Go Home Early... And Get Free Food.. And The Rest Of Us Have To Pay For It??? ... Cab You Say " Favoritism " And " Double Standard's "... • #nightmare #Work Depression ~SKAOI KVITRAVN~

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Does anyone else have this issue?

I don’t know if this is just me, but if I eat anything sugary or too salty before I go to sleep, I likely get nightmares. So I usually avoid those kinds of foods or snacks many hours before going to sleep. Has this happened to anyone else before? /gen

#nightmare #amitheonlyone


Worst Nightmare Ever

I’ve always been sensitive to pretty much everything, as a Highly Sensitive Person, and that includes the spiritual realm. I promise you that it’s real and evil exists beyond just the immoral actions and thoughts of human beings. If I hadn’t experienced the presence of evil in different situations in my past, I might not have taken this dream so seriously.

Last night, I had the most terrifying nightmare I’ve ever had. It started out as a pretty common scene: I was in bed next to my husband, and the kids had come into the room and were sleeping fitfully on the floor. Then, my fan started turning off and on sporadically, as though the electricity was flickering. First, I told the kids to be still, thinking, sleepily, that their movements were somehow causing it, then I felt a presence in the room, like an evil spirit hovering in the air. Suddenly, I felt like I couldn’t breathe and the evil spirit was trying to enter me through my mouth. I prayed earnestly for God’s protection, and the spirit backed off, but tried again. I continued praying, until I woke up, terrified, and begged for Ron to wake up and help me. “Something evil is trying to get inside me! It’s not a dream! Pray for me!” I cried out. Ron turned over, grabbed my hand and prayed God’s protection and peace over me. I prayed, too, “Jesus, you are my rock and my salvation, please protect me! Amen.” I spent the next several minutes trying to calm myself and convince myself that it really was “just” a dream. I don’t know that I’ll ever fully believe that. I’ve had too many encounters with the spiritual realm to believe that they couldn’t manipulate a dream to cover their shenanigans. All I know is that it felt SO real, and so incredibly terrifying. But, God protected me, as He always has, and my faith is stronger than ever, so whether or not I was truly under spiritual attack is a moot point. I tell you what, though. There’s a sin habit that I’ve been struggling to be done with that I’ve definitely renewed my battle against, because of this. I definitely don’t need ANY cracks in my relationship with God, after an experience like that!!


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I don't want to turn off the light and lie down to go to sleep because of the nightmares I've had the past week. I wake up super tense and curled up in the fetal position with a feeling of terror. Last week was quite stressful which might have triggered them. And now I have to go back to work tomorrow after the weekend, so I feel the stress building again. I'm so tired but so afraid.

#nightmare #Dream #Upallnight #Stress #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #SideEffects


A dream about my ex

I just woke up from a dream about my ex. He is a narcissist. I have had no contact with him since 2013, but somehow he shows up in my dreams. I hate this!
It feels like I can't fully break free from him even after such a long time. How is he still in my head?? How can I get him out?
Not the start to 2022 that I wanted...

#Dream #nightmare #Ex #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #narcissisticabusesurvivor #EmotionalAbuse #mentalabuse #spiritualabuse #Trauma #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD