Spent the morning and a bit of the afternoon trying to combat a fog, mild fever and general body aches(E-visit consultation concluded its not Corona). Two depression flare-ups in the AM.
Afternoon I got what I call ‘rabbity’. Where you don’t know why but you feel you can’t trust anyone. Like everyone hates you and is out to get you. The guy in the vehicle next to you, the lady coming towards you in the market aisle. You feel just this almost overwhelming need to bolt, to hide, or to lash out. Add in depression and it’s like
Depression: If something bad happened to me? whatever.
Anxiety: That guy hates you! He wants to harm you!
Me: What?! No! Evade! Evade!
Depression: So what if I didn’t exist tomorrow.
Anxiety: keep an eye on that woman! She means to kill you first chance she gets!
Me: Eep! No! Bad! Not....Wait...my depression wants these things to happen, my anxiety points out the who and how and yet I still avoid it?
Drove home at the speed of needing to get home before I broke down but not so fast as to attract desperately unwanted attention, or cops.
So mental health wise I have just been all over the place today just spinning around dizzy and exhausted.
... I don’t know, I guess it’s like even if I want it, even if I feel I deserve it, I don’t want my demise to be some random, unexpected thing that I have no control over the level of pain or length of time. Like I oddly still care about myself.
It disturbs me sometimes how cavalier and indifferent I can be towards my own #SuicidalIdeation