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Widgets from your phone calendar app can help alot. If not, download one that does. (I like "Good Calendar" app) & I also like to have a "physical" planner (which are on sale this time of year) I easily get feeling #overwhelmed into a state of stagnation & procrastination. Then things don't get done & just keep building up. Increasing the anxiety & stress, turning "overwhelmed" into #confused & #disoriented . which can spin,spiral, & snowball out of control. Which left unmanaged, can lead to #Psychosis &/or take my #SuicidalIdeation to a dangerous point . #SuicidePrevention #Suicide #SuicideAttemptSurvivors #Schizophrenia #Depression #SchizoaffectiveDisorder

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#BrainFog #Confusion #disoriented #Anxiety #Depression

What is this horrific new thing I have going on??

-I have this pressure in my head... it pounds and feels like it's going to burst through one side of my skull.

-In my face, I feel like there are little critters walking around under my skin. That comes and goes throughout the day, but at night, overnight, and first thing in the morning is the worst.

-I feel disoriented, to the point where sometimes I will be driving or walking in my own neighborhood and forget how to get home.

-I have no focus, I can't remember what I am supposed to be doing. Like ever.

-Productivity = non-existent

-My dreams are out of control; they are so realistic that I am having a hard time figuring out what was real and what was a dream.

-The latest thing, over the last 2-3 nights, is this weird awareness and disconnect from my hands. It's so bizarre. I feel like my hands are GIGANTIC and heavy and like they are their own creatures, separate from my body. I am super aware of them and can't figure out how they move, got where they are, etc. But yet I can control them.

I am on Prozac & Wellbutrin for Depression and Anxiety, and it has been a miracle combo thus far. Up until a few months ago, I felt the best I could remember feeling in years. I have suffered from Seasonal Depression since I was a kid, and I am willing to bet that these new symptoms are related to that somehow. The one good thing right now is that I don't feel DEPRESSED (in the sense of feeling sad, hopeless, etc). I know no one can tell me officially what is going on with me, but has anyone had similar things happen? This is awful!


Symptoms of motion sickness, disoriented, depth perception issues a sign of any particular autoimmune disease?

Ever since I had to turn the vehicle keys over to another and be the passenger I have had nearly continuous motion sickness. Don't ask me to reach down and get something from my purse or out of the glove box, it's nearly impossible to put my head forward without the dizziness and spinning become real bad and the whole just going in circles. I get very disoriented if I try to do anything while a passenger and if it's a rare day I drive forget even trying to use the radio. My depth perception in and out of the car is severely eskewed.
I have a neck pillow and use at all times in vehicles because it helps. I recently had to go over a winding mountain rode and was very disoriented in the other end, started getting very over heated towards the bottom of the hill.
I am glad it's better gotten to the point of vomiting, but nausea is intense.
Anyone got any wisdom? I currently have diagnosis of Lupus and RA
#Lupus #RheumatoidArthritis #MotionSickness #disoriented