My foot has all the colours of the sunrise! 🤣
I have to laugh, my foot matches the sunrise! Lol. Going for more tests and got a referral to an amazing orthopaedic surgeon. Fingers crossed no surgery required. I also got my first permanent handicap parking pass (I have had temporary ones)... my doctor sighed heavily and sadly while doing the paperwork. She is such a lovely and caring human who works so hard to help me! It’s great to have the pass, but hard to have another reminder that this is my life, my body will only get worse, not better. That is okay though, life is still more good than bad. There is still so much joy.
#Abunchofrarediseases #AddisonsDisease #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Rarebleedingdisorder #Asthma #CeliacDisease #RaynaudsPhenomenon #fragile