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Eat Your Veggies!

When I decided to approach food as medicine to help manage my symptoms I wasn’t super sure where to start, so I subscribed to a weekly produce delivery service and did my best to eat all of the produce I got. I started to feel better within 5 weeks!

#Food #FoodAsMedicine #Bipolar #Bipolardiet #healthyfood #BrainHealthGutHealth #guthealth

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Planning The Year Ahead

As my body is currently out of order, I have decided to put my brain to work. Planning and preparation are key to success. There are two sayings that I have lived by for as long as I can remember, “preparation prevents poor performance” and “fail to prepare, prepare to fail”. These sayings are bitter sweet when you have unpredictable health conditions that fluctuate from hour to hour! Not knowing what you will face each time you wake is exhausting in itself, so anything that can be done in advance to help your day run a little bit more smoothly. My number one focus next year is me. Am focusing on my health from the inside out. Starting with my gut health because what goes on in the gut has an affect on the whole body. Everything from brain fog to inflammation can come from bad gut health. If the gut is not causing the issue then it certainly is a factor that compounds the issue. Getting my gut healthy is not only important to me because of my autoimmune but because I know it holds the key to me achieving a better quality of life.

As much as people go on about diets, I choose a way of life because if I stumble and fall along my journey then I can stand back up and carry on. Diets for me tend to evoke the thoughts of deprivation, hunger, tasteless bland food and unhappiness. My choice to embrace a certain way of eating make this become a way of life rather than a temporary fix. The temporary fix of a “diet: will more than likely cause me to slip back further than I was each time I start. Embracing the way of life enables me to plan and focus. I can take control of my food and the way it is sourced, cooked and then eaten knowing full well what exactly is on my fork.

Buying local organic food is the second must on my list right underneath my main goal for next year and that is to grow more of my own food. This way I can reduce my carbon footprint as I am not travelling to shop and not buying food that has its own carbon foot print just to get on the shelves of the supermarket. The gargantuan task of preparation, planning and designing a garden to enable maximum yield and more importantly, accessibility for myself has been paramount for success. My health conditions make planning sometimes fall by the wayside as I am unable to complete tasks on given days. So to help with the unpredictability I have to prepare for the eventuality that I will be ill and devise a fail safe so the work I can complete doesn’t get ruined by the work I am unable to do.

Exercise is part of the plan and the main chunk of my goal setting. But as with the garden, I must prepare and implement a fail safe into my plan so I don’t loose instead of gain. Good nutrition will help my gut, fuel my body and help me find the energy to exercise. The exercise and good food will help me gain strength and achieve my goals. What are your plans?
#preperation #Prepare #actionplan #study #autoimmune #ChronicFatigue #ChronicPain #InvisibleDisability #InvisibleIllness #Fibromyalgia #guthealth


An article that might be helpful for some of the parents

I came across this article a couple of days ago and I thought it might be useful for some of the parents on here. Do let me know if you found this of any help!

#Parenting #Kids #guthealth