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Good Mental Health is Critical for Good Physical Health

Keeping your mind healthy is just as important as keeping your body healthy. You can’t have one without the other. If you want to be truly healthy, you have to have both. Do you agree or disagree?
#poll #MentalHealth #livehealthy #healthylifestyle #ChronicIllness #lifecoach #healthcoach #soundoff


has anyone here ever been on weight watcher's?

I'm starting a weight watcher's 'program'. my mom, great aunt and I are following the purple plan. I'm looking for advice and any snacks or anything that are/were your go to? HELP!! :)

#WeightWatchers #WeightLoss #Healthy #healthylifestyle

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Did you make exercise a priority for 2019?

Let’s keep the momentum! What small wins so far have you noticed with exercising?

For me, it’s helping me manage the physical anxiety symptoms. It’s also helping me feel like I have the power to change my self image into something positive.

What about you?

#Anxiety #Depression #Selflove #Exercise #goals #healthylifestyle


How do you get back on track with healthy diet and exercise when in a slump? #healthylifestyle

I need to get back on track with healthy eating and exercise.

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Help Homeopathy

Feeling a little down today. We all know nutrition and health affect our conditions...even with no chronic diagnosis all life depends on organic matter. How could big pharma companies try to ban natural /homeopathic medicine! Sometimes the two combined offer more qualiative results than just a pharma solution. Sometimes its the cost. The insurance. The nhs. Availability. And convenience. How could that even be considered in a uk court? How often is a minor ailment...that exacerbates a chronic illness..treated with over the counter homeopathic derivatives. How much unwellness does that save us? Time? Money? Misery? Preventing us from being a "tax on society"

I really think its a silly move.


#loosingnaturopaths #ashamed #nutrition #heighteningawareness #copingskills #foodisfuel #naturesway #pharmaisflora #righttochoose #holisticcareinitiative2009 #humanrights #MCS #chemsensitivity #profitsfromchronic #autoimmune #detox #personcentredtreatment #farmernotpharma #healthylifestyle #eatright #preventmedicationimmunity #herbalmedicinehelps #costofchronic