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Good Mental Health is Critical for Good Physical Health

Keeping your mind healthy is just as important as keeping your body healthy. You can’t have one without the other. If you want to be truly healthy, you have to have both. Do you agree or disagree?
#poll #MentalHealth #livehealthy #healthylifestyle #ChronicIllness #lifecoach #healthcoach #soundoff

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Lesson Learned the Hard Way

I learned this lesson the hard way...I stopped caring for my mind. I stopped with a false sense of wellness.
I stopped because life was good.
My marriage was good, my kids were good, I'd just finished writing and publishing my first book...there was NOTHING telling me that I was about to make a life changing decision. There were NO red flags...or so I thought...
In hindsight...the red flag was my ego...because there weren't any red flags my ego said go for it...stop doing what was prescribed to don't need anyone's got this...
That started a chain of events that led to my demise. In no time at all...everything I had worked for over the last 10 years was self-esteem...EVERYTHING...was either destroyed or GREATLY damaged.
My mental health or my mental well-being on a scale of 1 to 10...was a 0. I probably should've been hospitalized. I'm just speaking facts...not for sympathy...maybe a little for don't know what you don't know...I had no clue what was coming...
The positive of this breakdown is that I've become receptive to healing, recovery, and therapy. I'm learning how to ask for help. At times it's extremely difficult to hold my head up high from the embarrassment, shame, and guilt I feel and caused or brought unto others.
I keep going because there are a few pair of eyes watching and this BPD thing really he going to blow up he going to quit will he bounce back...what will he say...what will he will I know if he is he just making excuses...he won't make it...he can't do it...don't trust him...
I don't blame the skepticism. I welcome it. I'm a HUNT and we don't ever quit...
#Love #Family #lifecoach #MentalIllness #MentalHealth #mentalwellness #imbpd #BPD #winning #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression

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Borderline and the Paradox

Ahh...the mind of BPD. It really is a paradox. Everything you crave you resist...
You want love? You push love away.
You want trust? You become accusatory.
You want happiness? You brain instinctively latches on to all the negatives.
You want peace? You create chaos.
You want stability? You become fearful and unstable.
It's hard when it's your brain. It's hard to manage what is instinctive. That's the biggest message that I want to get across to people that don't understand Borderline. The behaviors to the thoughts, emotions, and feelings are reflexive. It takes diligent effort to change a natural reflex. Think about that the next time you flinch.
#BPD #bpdawareness #Love #Borderline #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #Emotions #lifecoach #miami #bpdsupportgroup

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Hey there. I thought I would say hi 👋🏽
I am the face behind the blogs. I am Southern California girl (Simi Valley). I share my story about life as a mom of two teens, life as a retired Army Combat Veteran and a military spouse of over 21 years.
I know how it is to juggle life with your career. I know how it is so be a Soldier trying to fulfill your duties and as a spouse trying to support his career. I also know how it is to raise two children during meetings, daycare, deployments, field time, bosses who want all of your time. I have been there and done that. I also know how it is to go through a mid life crisis and cut all your hair off and dye it purple. Yup. Been there too.
My hair isn’t perfect but it’s mine. My makeup isn’t perfect either but I still put on my face. My clothes are comfy casual and it’s me.
Oh and I’m also an advocate for PTSD awareness for individuals and families because we live it firsthand. So this is me. This is us. This is my story. Want to talk? Need some advice? Reach out. I promise that you are not alone.

#entrepreneur #vetpreneur #blogger #storyteller #armyvet #PTSDawareness #Ptsdrecovery #advocate #MotivationalSpeaker #lifecoach #awildridecalledlife @militaryspousemag @militaryspouse @militaryfamiliesmagazine