Hypersomnolence Disorder

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Hypersomnolence Disorder
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New spoonie

Hi I'm new here on mighty. I just signed up yesterday but I already forgot how I came across this platform, thanks to my #BrainFog lol

It's been 2 years and 7 months since I contracted #COVID19 and have been suffering with #longcovid since then. Despite hearing all kinds of denials possible from doctors, now I am diagnosed with #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis and #Fibromyalgia and many more. Not that the labels help with my symptoms, but they surely helped me look in the right direction when searching for possible #treatment plans.

I'm almost 40 and been #stuck at home mostly. I've recently been approved for a public transportation access link service so I'm planning on using that from time to time. I use a #Walker #Rollator and occasionally a #Cane when I go out to the doctors.

I guess I'm here to connect with others going through similar things whether it be a longcovid, PASC, fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, arthritis, spinal stenosis, or more symptom-specifically #HypersomnolenceDisorder #Hypersomnia #PeripheralNeuropathy #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue
I am quite new to this #Spoonie life and trying my best here.

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Plans #MightyPoets


So used to being broken
Don’t know how to be well
Now my brain is healing
Negative thoughts shouldn’t dwell

Yet the more I try
The more I feel I fail
Rather like a dog
Trying to catch her tail

Round and round I go
Endless broken days
Try to do my part
But end up in a daze

The more I sleep
The more tired I get
Though I fight awake
Sleep conquers me yet

I push through a day
Pain fills every move
Know it’s my fault
I have everything to prove

I can do this thing
I try to believe
But my past mocks me
My memories retrieved

No energy to try
Lest I fail again
Tired of fighting
Wishing for the end

But the end eludes me
My kids need me here
I have to keep trying
Can’t give into the fear

Something must change
Though I don’t know how
I have to do something
It has to be now

I’ll make a plan
Just another in line
And maybe somehow
I’ll stick to it this time

I just can’t give up
Can’t sit here and wallow
Think what I’ll regret
When I look back tomorrow

