IBD awareness

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What is a bright spot or experience from your week?

Welcome to 🐪 day...Hump Day in case a translation is needed. I am running a community pulse check to see how you all are holding up: IBD symptom wise, mental health wise, etc. Have we made new connections with others, or reconnected as the world re-opens?

My week is pretty good: started doing yoga again and adapting the mantra 'there is no need to compare your writing to someone else's writing. You will build a following and garner comments over time.'

I am sending a virtual hug and fist bump to everyone here 🤗🤛. Although, the hug emoji looks like jazz hands 🤔

Also, Happy IBD Awarness Day 🎶



Weekend Refresh

Hey Community,

I wanted to send a big 'Welcome to the Weekend' and hope it brings rest/refreshment/perspective/anything you need to conquer Monday 😁

What all do we have planned for the next few days?

Moi: Writing, walking and I want to make an Oreo pie 💜



Sunday May 9th, 2021

Welcome to Sunday: today is also known as Mother's Day. The word mother carries different meaning for different people and I would like to validate any thoughts/feelings we have surrounding this day. I myself am not a mother in the textbook sense of the word. Yet I am pretty sure some individual has seen me as a mother figure in thier life. I am also a plant parent to three sprouting avocado pits



Welcome to a new week 😀

As a new week begins, new or recuring oportunity awaits. What are you looking forward to this week? What are you working towards or hoping to gain this week?

Answer: I started an after school position with a STEAM non-profit here in Los Angeles and looking forward to my lessons. A few students are excited to be in the program, one student mentioned they would miss me over the weekend (😀) and I feel proud of myself for having a positive impact on young people


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My Crohns Journey so far..

Diagnosed Dec 2013
Hospitalised July 2014
On steroids for most of the year
Started Inflixamab, on that for two years stopped working, then changed over to the Bio did nothing.
Went back on steroids and Azathioprine for months.
Started Adalimumab on that for almost two years, went into remission for 6/7 months. Then it all started again adalimumab stopped working. Back onto another steroid had to stop it due to side effects, waited to start something new but due to COVID kept getting pushed.
Finally Ustekinumab kinda helped but not really. Stopped that due to antibodies. Then GI wanted to try Tofacitinib to see if colitis had a play in it but it didn’t work. Now in a very bad flare worse it’s been and waiting to be seen again. Was on Mebeverine all month to try help my ibs in the mean time but things got worse. Not to mention all the other medication to help acid reflex, spasms, pain relief and three different steroids. My current flare is going to the toilet every hour, all food just coming out undigested (I’m so hungry!!), bleeding every bowel movement, losing weight, my bum is so sore I can’t sit on it, my bones feel like paper, the good old mouth ulcers, eye inflammation, I hardly sleep due to needing to open my bowels, I have to avoid fibre and try not to have to much diary so no idea what to eat 🤦🏼‍♀️
Going for a scope next week and possibly starting Vedolizumab.

#CrohnsDisease #IBDAwareness #Spoonie #CrohnsFlare #Depression #Anxiety #IBS #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS


How will you 'yes, and' yourself this week?

Hi Community,

The concept of 'Yes, And' is the backbone of Improvisational Acting. To 'Yes, And' means taking in an idea or action that is presented on state, then adding to the idea or action. In short, being supportive of what one's scene partner or self offers the audience.

How will you show support for yourself this week?

Me: I will continue to 'yes, and' my writing process through writing sprints. What ever my brain and hands conjure up will not be judged 📚💜

#CheckInWithMe #UlcerativeColitis #CrohnsDisease #IBDAwareness #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #Caregiving


What is something you are proud of? This can be a personal accomplishment, task, anything that comes to mind 🙂

I have started writing online novels to have a creative outlet: I use writing and acting to support my mental health 🧠.

An Update: I have a writing schedule and plan to stick with it 📖📚

#UlcerativeColitis #CrohnsDisease #Caregivers #IBDAwareness


Slow Release Iron Supplements?

I'm currently pregnant and anemic (as I always am thanks to #CrohnsDisease .) My OB wants me to take Iron supplements, but I have a reeeaaaalllyyy hard time with them. I tend to throw them up. Iron rich foods are also hard because Crohn's. Are they any #Crohnies out there who have had success with iron supplements that don't destroy your sensitive stomachs? #inflammatoryboweldisease #IBDAwareness #Anemia #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Pregnancy


COVID-19 and IBD: how have you all been managing through this time?

Honestly, I have exercised, took up gardening, learned to make starter, and feel what ever emotions come my way. I have been blessed to stay in remission and not worry about my physical IBD symptoms. #UlcerativeColitis #CrohnsDisease #IBDAwareness