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Newbie Here #ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #kneereplacement

Hello everyone. Still getting used to this chronic pain thing. I’m almost 3 years post Op of a total knee replacement that failed and now diagnosed with fibromyalgia as well. Life is hard and it hurts.


Please motivate me- back to work and chronic pain #Pain #PsoriaticArthritis #kneereplacement

I have been working at my job for 19 years in a very open corporate environment.
I am great at what I do and love it to the extent that I can really make a difference in people’s lives.
I also suffer from arthritis,bone on bone knees, Psoriatric arthritis, back arthitid and recently had a Total knee replacement.

Next week I start back to work.
I am having nightmares. I wanted to do so much in the 8 weeks off. For the=past three years all I could do was work. I could not leave for lunch as it would be too painful and a haunting so I eat at my desk in a loud chaotic environment. On the weekend I am in bed for 75% of the time to recover.
My coworkers know I am in pain, but I try to look happy, and excited all the time as they would be inclined to see any pain reflecting on my performance if I had a bad week.
The knee replacement was a success,
I did end up back in the hospital, as I became very inflamed from having to go off medication for my Psoriatic arthritis before and after surgery.
My time at home was somewhat painful, depressing at times but I look back now and long for it.
My husband took me to Physical Therapy 2-3 times a week and helped me adjust to a recovery spent in a recliner for a while. It was lovely to be cared for and I loved going to physical therapy as the staff was kind, caring and gentle.
I still suffer from supplfferfrom pain in so many places, but my knee that was replaced is the least of it.
The thought of going back to a grueling life of work, stress, high goals to maintain, a loofa and chaotic office, has mad me literally want to cry. Sure I could quit, but I am in HR and I see the effects of people not working . Insurance, retirement, financial security- those things matter and I am in mid-50’s and know I could not make the money anywhere else. I know how hard it is to start a new job and getting to know a new group of co workers. I also know there are a lot of companies that treat their employees poorly and I am afraid and to depressed to get involved in a situation like that.
Whoa is me. I am going to try to get out a bit today and enjoy the sun. But this heavy cloud over my head will not go away.


Has anyone done the minimally invasive knee replacement surgery? Share your experience.

My mother is seriously considering it. She wants fast recovery, because she's prone to rapid weight gain/complications that a long hospital recovery of traditional knee replacement surgery entails.

Looking for first-hand perspectives on the matter.

#Osteoarthritis #kneereplacement #minimallyinvasive