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When you change your life but your fibromyalgia stays the same.

The last year and half has been transforming for me. I've worked/working with the wonderful team at Revolution Medical in Vancouver. They approach obesity as a disease rather than blaming the person as being lazy. They change medication that increase weight and add medication that help to lose weight. The two that I was put on were Ozempic and Jardiance. Life changers. The last part of the treatment was gastric bypass surgery. I lost close to 100lbs before the surgery. I'm 8 weeks post op and have lost another 55 lbs. It is a lot of work but focusing on what you should be doing rather than what you shouldn't do. It changes your whole perceptions when you focus on the medical side of it. I was hoping with the weight loss that my fibromyalgia would settle down and I wouldn't be in so much pain. Unfortunately that pain free period is over. My fibro has flared so bad that I feel like running away from life and letting the world continue without me. Has anyone else faced this? Thinking that major changes in your life would positively affect your fibro? #lifechanges


When you change your life but your fibromyalgia stays the same.

The last year and half has been transforming for me. I've worked/working with the wonderful team at Revolution Medical in Vancouver. They approach obesity as a disease rather than blaming the person as being lazy. They change medication that increase weight and add medication that help to lose weight. The two that I was put on were Ozempic and Jardiance. Life changers. The last part of the treatment was gastric bypass surgery. I lost close to 100lbs before the surgery. I'm 8 weeks post op and have lost another 55 lbs. It is a lot of work but focusing on what you should be doing rather than what you shouldn't do. It changes your whole perceptions when you focus on the medical side of it. I was hoping with the weight loss that my fibromyalgia would settle down and I wouldn't be in so much pain. Unfortunately that pain free period is over. My fibro has flared so bad that I feel like running away from life and letting the world continue without me. Has anyone else faced this? Thinking that major changes in your life would positively affect your fibro? #lifechanges

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The future

What happens next?? .. its a question I find has been on my mind for quite a while. My options are limited as is funding. It makes my stomach cringe to think about big things like whats ahead. And too many questions are still left unanswered.
Personally I don't see much ahead for me aside from more stress and life long pain and somehow I am supposed to over come that and live when I really don't have the will too.. I'd say it sucks I'm too chicken**** to end things, but I know my mother appreciates that and also knows I could never do that to her.
It's a weird time to be figuring life out. In one sense there is so much out there, but I have more than just my mental health to take into consideration now. Learning what my limits are physically as I understand my recent MS diagnoses has been more difficult than I like to admit. It's frustrations are mostly around symptoms I never thought I would have to deal with or ones I didn't expect I would deal with so early in life. Not that I was an especially active person, but I enjoyed getting out when I went out. And not being able to voice myself or speak even adequately when i have always been such an articulate person... is it wrong that the most frustrating part is how understanding people have been??
I have a long road ahead. And there is never an end to the lessons and learning. #future #Anxiety #MentalHealth #lifechanges #Depression #MultipleSclerosis #Recovery #learning #Lessons


Am I Doing Any of This Right?

This is one of those late nights/early mornings where I’m really wondering if I’m doing this right. (Life, that is.) I look at my self and I can’t tell if I’m that behind or if I’m more successful than I give myself credit for. I know that every one’s paths are different and it’s not a race on who is doing what, but sometimes it does cross your mind. I’m a 25 year old woman and I look at people my age and most are married, have kids, building careers, and I look at myself and it seems like I don’t have a place. I do have goals and I have achieved them. And others are taking longer because I’m making small steps. I’m often questioning my place in this world. This feeling will pass and I know that I’m the same person I used to be a year ago. Nor am I in the same headspace that I was in last year thanks to psychotherapy. I know that there is some good in me, sometimes I get so caught up in the negative parts of myself. #MentalHealth #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Life #confused #lifechanges #Thoughts

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My Wonder Woman #Lettinggo #Depression #lifechanges

I've learned change isn't something I do well with. I know all the logical response. I should, I've heard plenty of it. But it just doesn't seem to help and maybe I just don't want it. I do know sooner or later I always come around...
My Wonder Woman: we'll be flying HIGH and wide again, as all Wonder Women do. I will be looking for YOU...
#AfterSuicideLoss #Familyabuse


Out with the old and in woth the new. #lifechanges .

I am thinking of changing up my style because like many people during quarantine I only seem to be wearing "comfy" clothes. I've been thinking of dressing up with some leggings and plain t shirts with cardigans and some Flatts. Idk about you guys but I love a good cardigan and nothing better than leggings around the house. So maybe I'll try it and see how it looks. Could be a keeper:)


#Anxiety #lifechanges #Relationships

Hello all! I went through a pretty gut wrenching breakup Recently. It was a very toxic relationship and that partner chose to manipulate me and gaslight me often. I really lost a lot of my self love and worth and starting at the beginning of this year I’ve gained it back ten fold. I feel I am ready to get back out there but clearly have some trust issues about the situation. What is your best advice? Thanks!

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My Scars and My Strength #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Never give up #lifechanges #Faith hope love

These are my scars from cutting to make the pain subside, then when that stopped working I tried Suicide.....but I found my worth and most of all I found GOD!...I found out I am not crazy, weird, or even alone...I am not my then I got a tattoo, not to cover my scars, but to be apart of my scars for they go hand in tattoo is there to remind me where I was and how Igor through it and that air am not alone in my war with BPD!...It stands for Faith, Hope, & Love....most important Love & that with these things I can conquer anything! Without God I would be lost!...BPD is a condition, it does not define who one is! actually makes them more loving, empathetic to others, stronger, and special!...embrace it and most of all listen to ur heart not the thoughts that try and consume u!


First step to healing (hopefully).

Well I did it.
Yesterday I talked to my bosses about leaving at the end of August.
I was so sad and upset I had a panic attack on the way home because I love all of the people I work with so much, and it’s the most amazing job I’ve had.
But my body just can’t handle it anymore. Every day is such a struggle and I’m in pain while I’m at work and can hardly enjoy it anymore.

I know I made the right decision and that this is what’s best for me, but it was such a hard decision to make and I will miss everyone so damn much.

Life isn’t fair.

#ChronicPain #BackPain #Anxiety #lifechanges