Because sometimes, you need a rainbow butterfly unicorn kitten. 🌈🦋🦄🐱 #MightyPets #Memes
Because sometimes, you need a rainbow butterfly unicorn kitten. 🌈🦋🦄🐱 #MightyPets #Memes
The meme says in neon pink writing, “I’m so tired of being me” with pretty pink and green butterflies fluttering about before a blue background. #MentalHealth #Memes #Depression
I believe this... Actually, it would probably help us express how we feel a lot better! :)#MentalHealth #Therapy #Memes #inkblots
I’ve forgot to take them before so I’ll be fine but it’s currently 2am so I’m a little freaked out
I started laughing out loud when I made this. Cheers y'all.
#Memes #POTS #AutonomicDysfunction #ChronicIllness #chronicillnessmemes #Mentalhealthmemes #MentalHealth #posturalorthostatictachycardia #LivingWithPOTS #Dysautonomia #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #PanicDisorder
This is me the last few days. I hope it sticks around for a good while!
Big Love,
Weichy xxx
#BipolarDisorder #OCD #MentalHealth #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Memes