Pls help- Spread word about video Types of Mental Disorders
Pls help- Spread word about video Types of Mental Disorders
It would mean a lot to me if you were to support my blog on YouTube by watching the video, possibly liking it, commenting on it or potentially subscribing to my channel.
I worked a VERY long time on this video and did so because there really isn't anything on the internet that includes all the mental disorders.
In addition to watching it yourself, please share it with your friends and family or anyone you know who would like to know more about mental illness.
I am especially trying to reach out to educators (teachers to show students or professors teaching our future psychiatrists. It is a very valuable resource.
Thanks so much!
Types of Mental Disorders
#mentalhealth #MentalIllness #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthblogger #mentalhealthmatters #MentalIllnessAwareness #Schizophrenia #personalitydisorder #PTSD #OCD #Depression #BipolarDisorder #eatingdisorderawareness #Anorexia #Bulimia #ADHD #Selfharm #Suicide #Addiction #Alcoholism #Selfharm #Anxiety #PanicAttack