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Survivor & advocate here đź’ś

Just wanted to introduce myself to the group. My name is Jen. I struggle with my mental health daily. My most recent trauma has me self isolated and scared to even leave my house to start working again. I’m trying to get better every day and I’m struggling. I’m finding support on apps like this and I would appreciate any advice from the community. I’m also here for anyone who needs a friend. 💚💜⚓️ #PTSD #sasurvivor #SexualAssault #MentalHealth #mentalhealthadvocate #Nurse #Therapy #Healing #ProjectSemicolon


Be Thankful for this Saturday#Schizophrenia #SchizophreniaSpectrumPsychoticDisorders #MentalHealth #mentalhealthadvocate

List some things you are thankful for. I will start


1) I am thankful a roof over my head

2)I thankful for good coffee in the morning

3)Thankful for the company of my mom and dad.

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Introducing Me

Hi, strangers!

Throughout the pandemic and any other time life becomes too hard to untangle, I've found myself drawn to writing, blogging, creating, and putting pen to paper. It helps me make sense of the million tabs in my brain, or at least throw them out into the universe so that someone, somewhere, with similar "browser history" might feel moderately less alone. Because sometimes that's all we need: a hint of hope, you know?

I've been noncommittal with my personal blog recently and am having trouble with consistency as I wade through some recent grief, chronic/rare disease, mystery allergic reactions, and a lovely bouquet of mental health struggles... but despite that, I think it's worth making an attempt to jot down my thoughts every now and again. I love poetry. I love language in general -- in fact, I was a Spanish translator before Idiopathic Hypersomnia & medical debt inspired me to step back from corporate burnout. I now am self-employed as an artist & calligrapher. I love raising awareness for mental health & teaching people about self-care more than anything! It was a concept that wasn't introduced to me until I ended up in intensive eating disorder treatment back in 2012. I don't think ANYONE should have to hit rock bottom before learning to love themselves, so I've made it my mission (when my health cooperates) to make the lessons I learned about self-care ACCESSIBLE to more people.

I look forward to meeting some fellow recovery warriors, survivors, spoonies, self-taught entrepreneurs, and fellow fighters trying to find some way to shine our light gently despite the chaos around us. xo

#ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #introduction #MightyTogether #TheMighty #selfcare #EDrecovery #mentalhealthadvocate #RareDisease #Hypersomnia #Entrepreneurship #Selflove #Healing #Allergies #journalcommunity #Writers

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Mental Health Matters

If you are on social media, pls use hashtag #mentalhealthmatters as much as you can. This is in hopes that when mental health advocates join together, we can get people talking about the failing mental health system and changes will finally be made.

Stigma will be erased, the mentally I'll will be treated with dignity and get proper treatment and so much more.

If you consider yourself a mental health advocate, please do this small thing. It hopefully will make a big impact. #MentalHealth #blogger #mentalhealthadvocate #MentalIllness

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Pls help- Spread word about video Types of Mental Disorders

Pls help- Spread word about video Types of Mental Disorders

It would mean a lot to me if you were to support my blog on YouTube by watching the video, possibly liking it, commenting on it or potentially subscribing to my channel.

I worked a VERY long time on this video and did so because there really isn't anything on the internet that includes all the mental disorders.

In addition to watching it yourself, please share it with your friends and family or anyone you know who would like to know more about mental illness.

I am especially trying to reach out to educators (teachers to show students or professors teaching our future psychiatrists.   It is a very valuable resource.

Thanks so much!

Types of Mental Disorders

#mentalhealth #MentalIllness #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthblogger #mentalhealthmatters #MentalIllnessAwareness #Schizophrenia #personalitydisorder #PTSD #OCD #Depression #BipolarDisorder #eatingdisorderawareness #Anorexia #Bulimia #ADHD #Selfharm #Suicide #Addiction #Alcoholism #Selfharm #Anxiety #PanicAttack 


Pls help- Spread word about video Types of Mental Disorders

It would mean a lot to me if you were to support my blog on YouTube by watching the video, possibly liking it, commenting on it or potentially subscribing to my channel.

I worked a VERY long time on this video and did so because there really isn't anything on the internet that includes all the mental disorders.

In addition to watching it yourself, please share it with your friends and family or anyone you know who would like to know more about mental illness.

I am especially trying to reach out to educators (teachers to show students or professors teaching our future psychiatrists.   It is a very valuable resource.

Thanks so much!

Types of Mental Disorders

#mentalhealth #MentalIllness #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthblogger #mentalhealthmatters #MentalIllnessAwareness #Schizophrenia #personalitydisorder #PTSD #OCD #Depression #BipolarDisorder #eatingdisorderawareness #Anorexia #Bulimia #ADHD #Selfharm #Suicide #Addiction #Alcoholism #Selfharm #Anxiety #PanicAttack k

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Mental Health and Mental Illness are Real Just Like Any Illness #mentalhealthadvocate #MentalHealthAwareness

I'm not a doctor or expert, but I still have a basic understanding of mental health and mental illnesses. Much like I'm not a baseball player, but I still understand the basics of baseball.

Just like physical health, everyone has mental health. Mental health is an extension of physical health because it involves the brain, a physical organ. I'd argue mental health is more real or one in the same as physical health.

Just like a vehicle that needs to be maintained and fixed to run efficiently, the body is the same way. This is the basics of mental health. A mental illness occurs when this basic need is ignored even if the person didn't intend to ignore it. Nobody is at fault for mental illness, but people are responsible (different from fault) to avoid or take care of a mental illness. This is why mental health awareness is crucial or everyone suffers from the ripple effect of unchecked mental health.

A person isn't born with a mental illness, however each person can be uniquely born with having higher chances of obtaining a mental illness. BPD is a classic example. I myself was born to have a proclivity towards being more sensitive to stimuli/emotions and the world is not equipped for that (yet). One cannot deny that is part biology. Some people are just born to be these ways to no fault of their own. They are still responsible though to find solutions once they are aware.

A better understanding of biology and personality would lower the chances of mental illness. If this is continuously ignored, people will not be equipped to maintain mental health, resulting in the break down of the brain and body, resulting in nonstop mental illnesses. An official mental health diagnoses happens when mental illness symptoms persist to interfere with one's quality of life for somewhere around 6 or more months. Compare it to any other body illness. If the body (the brain in this case) is not taken care of, the body will break down over time and become ill.

Just because mental illnesses are avoidable doesn't make them fake. Actually denying they are real increases the chances of a mental illness to be born for this very reason. Just because a person who may deny the flu is real because not everyone gets it does not make the flu fake. I'm open to being wrong though.