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This made me think!!

My late husband died on September 21, 2004, and we all remember him as this happy, smiling, cheerful person. He was all of those things; he was also sad, hurt, confused, hyper-vigilant, scared...
Seeing this picture I began to wonder if people saw behind my public facade. Do you think anyone outside your inner circle sees how you truly feel? #mentalwakeup #mentalillnessisntfun #ihidemyillnesswell

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Some days are blue days

‘She knew she was really sad, when she stopped loving the things she loved’

Depression is a tricky thing really, sometimes I feel like I’ve got a good grip on it and other days it takes over. I’ve just been a bit teary for the last 24hrs and it’s really frustrating me. I think I’m just a little anxious and it’s making me feel sad that I am feeling sad!!

#chronic #ChronicIllness #mentalillnessisntfun #Anxiety #EatingDisorders #PTSD #AnorexiaNervosa #BulimiaNervosa #EDNOS #Cyclicalvomitingdisorder #CVS #Endometriosis #SinusTachycardia #OSFED #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #OCD #GeneralisedAnxietyDisorder #ChronicIllness

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All a little too much

Having one of those evenings/ days/ couple of days, where everything feels a bit much. My body is giving me a bit of grief and in turn that’s setting off my head. Feeling like my resilience must be low as anything and everything seems to be triggering me. Desperate to use old coping mechanisms but also trying not to. But it’s ended up with me in my bed in the dark at 8.30pm, hoping my head will quieten and stop hurting soon. #chronic #ChronicIllness #mentalillnessisntfun #Anxiety #EatingDisorders #PTSD #AnorexiaNervosa #BulimiaNervosa #EDNOS #Cyclicalvomitingdisorder #CVS #Endometriosis #SinusTachycardia #OSFED #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #OCD #GeneralisedAnxietyDisorder #ChronicIllness


Branches #MightyPoets #Depression

Its November now and my tree have lost it
all it leafs.
So I can see how their branches heavy with their burdens,
Have been bent and twisted towards the ground..
I feel like that tree. My own burdens have left me bent.
There are some days I want to break and just fall..
Like a tree branch in the wind down upon the ground
But just like in that same tree theres little branches
Reaching up towards the Sun, and like that tree,
I know my life here has new beginnings yet unfound.
So this pain seems never ending and no one seems to understand,
I'll trudge on through this darkness, till I too can reach for the sun. #mentalillnessisntfun #noonewantsdepression #maybesomeday #thegooddayswilloutweighthebad