Panic & Anxiey. The hurrincabe inside your mind #MentalHealth #PanicDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder
Anxiety attacks, panic attacks.
They’re like a hurricane. If you’re watching the ocean shrink back, it’s already too late. You can try to run, but you’ll never be faster than the walls of water coming for you. Maybe you’ll get lucky and have enough of a head start, that you’ll only have to swim for a little while. Maybe you’ll get lucky and someone will reach out their hand and pull you to safety before the waves overtake you.
But most of the time…. You get wiped out, caught up in the all power of the waves. Your head bobs in and out of the water’s insanity. You catch your breath and poke your head up long enough to have hope. Then you’re dragged backed down, disoriented, drowning, confused.
And sometimes, the harder you fight to find the surface, the deeper you’re pulled under or spun around. Hoping, praying that someone sees you drowning and brings a life boat to drag you out. But really, you’re just holding your breath. Waiting for the calm to come, hoping you survive this time….just like you have the other times.
When the calm finally does come…all you feel is exhaustion. You’re too tired to move or even think. Everything seems like a dream, unreal, no thoughts, no feelings….just pure exhaustion. When you can, you dry yourself off and try your best to prepare for the next one. Because it will come, it’s unavoidable. But for now…..take that breath because you earned it.