I dont even know how to describe today, so ill just start with the things that happened.
I was woken up by my former partner. (I can't seem to be able to call him ex, ex boyfriend, ex fiancé) Anyways I broke things off and I haven't been able to leave. It's been about a month now and we've been sleeping in separate rooms. He is definitely broken with this situation. He tells me I can sleep with him, but I know i shouldn't and also, he was the one that initially said we shouldn't be sleeping in the same bed and got a small mattress. He woke me up and told me he doesn't want me to leave and he is open to therapy and he would do anything for me.
I didn't answer.
I feel ashamed for what I've done to him. I have previously broken things off because I get this "gut feeling" that tells me I don't want him. The breakups had been brief but still impactful to be because he quickly tells his family about it. And I feel shame for it.
It's been an 8 year relationship, "high-school sweethearts." We moved out of staye together after college and again we recently moved to another state. We have gone on vacations together and with his family, we have two dogs together.
We talked about getting a house, having kids, getting old. But this stupid gut feeling never went away.
We only tired therapy for about 3 months and we had to stop because we moved. I told him I wanted to do therapy again, I told him about it because I got the gut feeling along with a panic attack. And he didn't listen to me. He has never been a believer in therapy.
One thing I feel good about today was finally applying for Medicaid. I started reaching out to counselors and therapist too. I'm scared of how dark my self talk has been, especially with all of this shame and guilt that I'm carrying.
Thank you if you read this far.
#Relationships #Depression #PanicAttacks