I just had never gotten around to watching it though I did watch one and two of The Hobbit movies. I really like the actors in that one!
This Lord's of the Rings TV show is set centuries before the first Lord of the Rings movies. 8 episodes per season and currently season two just released the first four episodes!
I have always been a HUGE fan of fantasy books and movies. Especially when there are a bunch of types of creatures. And even better if there is magic and a lot of action scenes!!
This series is SO GOOD for the first time ever I am planning on watching all the movies and episodes and might just be a HUGE fan of Lord of the Rings 💍 💖❤️💖❤️💖
I like it better than the Harry Potter series!!!! 😱😱😱
Which one is your favorite?
It always bothered me that Harry Potter and his friends were able to take down Voldemort even though he had been alive learning all sorts of magic decades before them. Though I really love the characters and by the end most of the characters have done selfless acts that warm the soul💕💕💕
Plus Lord of the Rings has epic music and incredibly wise lessons.
Do you have a favorite movie in either series? Have you seen the new TV series called the Rings of Power? Did you like it or love it?
Talk about an incredible imagination!! Some authors are just awe-inspiring with what they come up with.
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