My pharmacy switched me to the generic version of Lyrica back at the end of January and a couple weeks later I started experiencing horrible pain from fallen arches. I was prescribed a long course of prednisone but after three weeks the pain and inflammation in my feet has improved, but my hip and back (which are awful areas for me) are really trying to flare up. I’m trying to go off the steroids but my psoas is raging, even two days out from physical therapy. It’s starting to get in the way of walking and swimming, and I coach and swim competitively. Has anyone experienced issues switching to the generic of Lyrica that has come out this year— Pregabalin— or should I just watch the steroids and not worry about the new medication? BTW, I had terrible depression almost immediately taking Gabapentin; I can’t touch the stuff. TIA.
#ChronicPain #Prednisone