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You are #1 !!!!!

I just heard another heartbreaking story of a woman #Relapsing , back to self-medicating with alcohol; for years family told her to “get sober for your kids!” Guilt of being a “bad mother “ and the fear of being judged as less than weighed heavily. After relapsing. family berated :“you love booze more than your kids!” Ouch! I remember the guilt, hurt, confusion and self-loathing I felt, years back, when “loved ones” hurled these thoughts at me.😓. Lots time & patience from dedicated health professionals taught me “#healthyselfishness , #whatselfcarelookslike #iamworthy . What a concept😀! Learning to love my self, first, priority#1 , will let me then learn how to love others!? Sign me up!

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#Mysuicideattemptanniversary #imhere ##TWLOHA

Hey My mightiest, I just wanted to share that a year ago today, I was at a Low point in my life and I attempted suicide. I felt my head above water...and I couldn't breathe #MySelfharming was getting bad and I felt I was #Relapsing into my #Depression #Codependency . Luckily, I had a sjpport network from my (then Therapist) #RachealDorty she saved my life and my son. That night in the hospital changed my life. I've been through so much and I have been resilient ever since ❤ I just want to help others in need and #spreadawareness about #MentalHealth and support each other and create that #safeplacecommunity . I never imagined I would be Here #alive and I have a beautiful 6 year son that has taught me and is still teaching about life as we experience this journey together. #mom #MyOsiris I love all of you and thank you for letting me #sharemystory ❤💪🏾🔥🙌🏾🙏🏾👊🏾👊🏾


#ChronicIllness #Drorders #Relapsing

Here’s the thing: when you have #multiplechronicilllness and you try to follow #Drorders in order to stay #Healthy it can be #Overwhelming causing you to #Relapse and do whatever you want to. And when you realize what has happened, you feel #ashamed of yourself but the truth is it’s ok that it happened because it’s hard for us all to #stayhealthy and when you have #multiplechronicillnesses it just becomes harder. So you pick yourself up and tell yourself that tomorrow is a new day. And that even though this has happened, you put it behind you and move on. Because everyone has #Setbacks and #TheMighty is there for us all. And even though I am not doing what the sleep doctor and neurologist told me to do, tomorrow is a fresh start.