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Kale & Quinoa Salad

Trying to boost my immune system after my IV Infusion which lowers my immune system. Made a quick salad of Kale, Quinoa, Toasted Walnuts, Craisins and Parmesan Cheese.
#Healthy eating, #kale salad, #immune system, #Asthma ,
# sarcoidosis, #spinal cord stimulator

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactions 8 reactions • 5 comments
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Turkey Vulture

Saw this tree full of turkey vultures on our drive into town. They only gather in numbers like this when there is a meal to eat...sure enough a wild pig was alongside the road. They were just waiting for the right time to feast. They're ugly but certainly do there job! #Nature , #Birds ,
# asthma, # sarcoidosis,
# spinal cord stimulator

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Rainy day sunrise

Sunrise still found its way through the rainy day clouds
#Sky , #Nature , # beauty, # asthma,
# sarcoidosis, # spinal cord stimulator, # auto immune diseases

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactions 9 reactions • 1 comment
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Morning Migraine

Good morning Mighty Fam! Woke at 4am with a migraine but thank God it has passed. I got up and got one rizatriptan and two excedrin and microwaved my axolot heating pad my bestie gave me. Laid back down for an hour and a half and miraculously the pain passed. Thank You Lord. I have work today that has to be done either way so I am glad I am migraine free. I wake often with migraine. When I can make it go away in the first couple hours I am usually good. But if it doesn’t go away in an hour or two with meds and heat it means the rest of the day gonna be varying migraine pain. Migraines suck! (Pic is the heating pad my bestie gave me and my two doggies that keep me company when I am feeling bad) #Migraine #Headache #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Sarcoidosis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #MightyPets

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Vibrant colors

We don't get to see sunsets that often from our house,but the color last night was just gorgeous
#Sky , #Beauty , #Nature , # sunset,
# asthma, #Sarcoidosis
# spinal cord stimulator

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Morning fog and sunrise

This morning we had fog out my kitchen window and a beautiful sunrise out my living room window.
#Sky , #Nature , # beauty,
# sarcoidosis, # asthma,
# spinal cord stimulator

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Good morning

I am excited today about work because my promotion starts next week. I was so worried about it but I have prayed a lot and am really feeling peace now. Which is great because I am so quick to get anxious about things. I will be working five days a week instead of four so tomorrow will be my last Friday off. That worried me because I get so fatigued but I am just going to take the best care of myself as I know how. God is good. #ADHD #Depression #Anxiety #Sarcoidosis #Headache #Migraine #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #ChronicFatigueSyndrome

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Beautiful Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle sitting on the edge of a vineyard
#Nature , # beauty, #Asthma , #Sarcoidosis , #spinal cord stimulator

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Colorful Sunrise

Very colorful sunrise this morning.
#Sky , #Nature , #beauty, #Asthma ,
#Sarcoidosis , # spinal cord stimulator

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Creamy Chicken and Dumplings

Felt good enough to make a nice Sunday dinner.
#feel good,, # asthma, #Sarcoidosis ,
# spinal cord stimulator

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