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My hair has been suffering

I can’t tell if I’m losing more hair than normal , but I absolutely understand split ends, but I’m curious about normal hair going dry, and what I can do to get it better condition beyond getting a good cut. Especially because it’s super #Anxiety #Flashback #PanicAttacks #CPTSD #Ssdi #Hair #sad

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#Ssdi and severe anemia

Has anyone applied for SSDI because of their anemia?
I am taking steps to do this
Sold my business because I couldn’t work any longer and now my spouse is freaking out about money eve though we will be able to pay our bills during the time my application is pending



Is there any help for someone on SSDI and needs a vehicle fixed?

Hi there. I’m laying in bed crying, stressed TF out big time. I am on SSDI and unable to work due to medical reasons. I don’t get very much every month in my disability payment.

Tonight I ended up with a flat tire. It was then I realized I barely have money to afford my basics every month. And now needing a new tire has me stressed. I also need my motor mounts replaced, new brakes, an oil change, and of course the other 3 tires as well. I don’t have the credit to pay that way. I don’t have family or friends that can help.

I don’t know what I’m going to do. I need my vehicle to get me to appointments, medication pick ups, shopping, etc…

Does anyone know of any help someone who’s on disability can get with these repairs? I live in Phoenix, Arizona if it helps.

#Ssdi #Disabled #Crying #finances #Auto #MiniVan


The financial hell that is applying for SSI while your body is still falling apart

I have really been going through it health wise lately. Six months ago I had to apply for SSI (I do not qualify for SSDI) and I feel like I've lost all hope in life. I've been sick my entire adulthood (I am 27 now), and the past two years in particular have dramatically declined in ways I cannot fathom. I have been in and out of the ER due to complications from so many health problems, and right now I might have to go back. I have hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome, POTS, hashimoto's disease, small fiber neuropathy, fibromyalgia, CFS/ME, severe GI issues, and mental illness on top of it. Most of my health problems all stem from the ehlers-danlos. I am currently suffering from severe GI complications potentially needing to be hospitalized as well as struggling greatly financially because you are given no support during the social security application process. For those of you who have applied for SSI, how did you get through the financial hell on top of your declining health? I am on the verge of losing my apartment because of how poor I am and I seriously do not know how anyone does it. The application process is so grueling, terrifying, and long I do not know how much longer I can take like this. How did you get through it and survive? I am starting to lose hope both in my stability physically and how im gonna survive this insurmountable loss of financial/housing stability.#SocialSecurity #Ssi #Ssdi #Disability #EhlersDanlos #hypermobileehlerdanlossyndrome #POTS #Neuropathy #GI

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How I Won My Disability Case Without Representation

I wanted to share with others how I won my disability insurance (SSDI) case without representation. I see stories daily where people are waiting to be approved for either SSI or SSDI. It is a long, undignified process that can be very difficult, both emotionally and physically. I hope my story can help someone out there.                                                                          I was able to win my case not only without the representation of an attorney, but I also won it on an "On the Record" request without having to go to court. I was actually denied representation by 3 different lawyers who did not feel that they could win my case. I decided at that point to represent myself and "push forward". I am glad in the end that I did.
I am not advising anyone to not seek representation. My hope is to provide a real life example of an alternative for those who might need one. When three lawyers declined to represent me, it was heartbreaking and depressing. But, I knew my story and life better than they did and I also had a significant amount of documentation to support my case. I began the process of researching on-line how to proceed and was able to win my case independent of anyone helping me.  
Here is what I did:
1. Luckily for me, I had kept documentation from past employment and notes from medical providers who had either advocated for me to take a medical leave or for the workplace to provide accommodations. I turned in quite a bit of documentation that detailed years of employment that lasted for brief periods due to my disability. These even included unemployment insurance documents that showed I often won my unemployment due to having the just cause of quitting for health reasons. These documents were helpful, but what I did next was what won my case.
2. I used what is called a Residual Functioning Capacity Form (RFC), a form that is often requested by the Social Security Administration that demonstrates the maximum you can do in spite of your physical/psychological impairment(s). I provided 2 of these: one from my therapist at the time and the other from the Nurse Practitioner who prescribed my medication. Both forms demonstrated my limited capacity for work.
3. Lastly, I took these 2 forms and wrote a letter asking the judge (who was assigned to adjudicate my case) to do an "On the Record" request. This is a request for the judge to make a decision based on the documentation provided in the record without having to go to court.
To my surprise, I was granted my benefits quickly thereafter, less than a month.
I just wanted to share my story because it might help someone out there. You also can always ask an attorney to do an "OTR" and if they feel you have enough documentation to win, they might proceed with writing a letter for you.
For anyone still waiting, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I know how difficult the process is! #Ssdi #Disability   #Ssi #BipolarDisorder

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Lost my SSDI hearing

I found out a couple of weeks ago that I lost my hearing for social security disability. This was after 2+yrs of fighting, getting denied twice and then finally getting an attorney for my hearing. I am so discouraged and don't know what to do. I applied for fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, ADHD, and chronic hand/wrist pain. I had very thorough records, but I happened to get a very very tough judge; my lawyer thinks I would have had a decent shot
if I'd had a different judge. I haven't been able to support myself in years, I've been relying on friends and family, which I feel so guilty over. I'm so sick of fighting for scraps and of making this into my whole life, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I have tried everything I could to support myself. My options are to file a new application and go through the whole process all over again, appeal the decision (very unlikely to work according to my lawyer), or give up altogether. I honestly felt suicidal when I first got this decision, I just couldn't imagine a path forward. Still can't, but plan on sticking around anyway. Not sure why I'm posting here, just feeling exhausted and discouraged. I don't want to give up but I'm so tired. #Fibromyalgia #Ssdi #Disability

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Feeling pretty hopeless at the moment

Is it possible to even afford “low income” housing on disability? Right now, I’ve been looking for housing entirely on my own because the various people and programs that claim they’ll help have been very defeatist. Maybe they’re right idk but I’ve found more housing opportunities than I ever thought I could and that are advertised to the public. I was feeling really proud of myself and all the effort I’d put into finding these places, looking through job postings only to realize that the company could be a resource for housing and not so much for employment. But every time I reach out to the building management or leasing company about rent it’s the same thing, “we’re an income restricted place and this is our rent...” and the rent has never gone below $900! Even with my disability I’d never survive! And I don’t qualify for help from some housing places cuz I’m not homeless, I’m living with my mom. But she’s older, to start, and I don’t want to live with her forever and we have a tumultuous relationship. I feel like I either have to be homeless, now, or will be forced into homelessness if something happens to my mom. I don’t want to sound hyperbolic or trivialize anyone’s experience with homelessness. I just feel stuck because the very systems designed to “help” feel like they don’t help people prosper. And I finally got rid of my SI means that I’d had for years but I now wish I hadn’t cuz feeling trapped is a HUGE trigger for me😩😭 I suppose like it says in the song I’ve been listening to “speed bumps only make you aware” so I guess I need to check my blindspots and keep pulling ahead, so to speak 😕 #Bipolar2Disorder #Anxiety #Adulting #Disability #Ssdi #Housing #housingassistance #hopelessness #Depression