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I am so tired. Tired of life. Tired of the depressive episodes, tired of being a burden. I’m tired of being a horrible friend and not being able to support and love and care for those around me. I’m tired. #tired #Depression #tiredoflife



Is it right to go out with a married man?
I have been going through a lot 😢 I have no family support nor financial support and my rent is due no money to pay for it and this married man has been on my neck promising to help me if only I can get down with him . Giving it a thought but my concience wouldn't let me😫
Please I need help what do I do?
#confused #needhelp #hurt #tiredoflife


#tiredoflife #can'tkeeplivinglikethis

I've been dealing with depression all of my adult life.. this year has been a very long and difficult starting with my father dying in January from cancer. then my health has been up and down I've been in and out of the hospital and have lost over lbs

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Tired #tiredoflife

I’m so tired ... I’ve been tired .... I’m so unhappy I sometimes wonder what it’s like to be truly happy... is it unfair for me to not want to live anymore? I don’t have a husband or kids or pets ... I’m alone... the only time I’m with people is at work and I still feel so alone... I have cousins , aunts and uncle but I always feel so out of place and still feel alone like I need to separate myself and be by myself ... i feel so unwanted... so empty...sad ... sadness I’ve been carrying since I can remember... is it fair for me to want to not feel this way ... I’m triggered by the smallest things... I feel so unloved... alone... unwanted... people have no issue discarding me ... I don’t want to feel any more... with me there’s never in between,it’s either I’m “happy “(what ever that meant at the time) or I’m very sad... there’s no in between, ever . I just want to not feel, care or live ... I’m serving no purpose here , I’m alone, I’m sad , I cry all the time ...I just wAnt it to end ... I don’t remember the last time I was truly happy.... I’m sad , I’m alone...it’s unfair sometimes that even when you have been to sad people want you to stay ... to live ... they are so unfair... I’m alone and I’m tired!

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This is Jesus talking to you #MoodDisorders #Pain #Fibromyalgia #tiredoflife #Suicide

I am here, even when you are tired. I am here, even when you think I’m not. I am here, not dependent upon your mood or your efforts. I am separate from circumstances, but in the middle of all moments, too.
Look for Me.
Expect Me.
Desire Me.
Attune your heart to my voice. Believe I speak words of love to you. Believe I love to be with you—whether it feels like I am close or not. How would it look to live believing I am close, even when you can’t see and hear and feel Me?
What does it mean to feel and hear and know Me? What are you looking for? What are you expecting?
What if you got rid of expectations of what it looks like to walk with Me and still knew I am with you? Isn’t my life in you unique to my presence with all others? Isn’t the making of you—your personality, your ideas and experiences so far, going to shape how you hear and see and experience Me? How fun this will be! You expecting to see Me, be with Me. . . Because here’s the difference, here is what matters: Know I am with you. Know I love you. Know I love to be with you. Won’t you see me and hear me more then?
I do not change, but I tune your heart. I want you to know even these words are true.


#Depression ##trudging #tiredoflife

I’ve been fighting depression for so long. I’m tired. I take my meds. I try different therapies and coping strategies. I try and try and try. The act is exhausting. I’m depressed because the world is depressing. There isn’t a pill or a meditation that can fix that. I’m tired.

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