visual impairment

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A Miracle, A Solution… I am so happy! #Photophobia #VisualImpairment #Blindness #Migraines

Update: A miracle has occurred sooner than expected! My new corrected tinted filter and filter cap for my glasses are in and am very grateful as insurance covered the cost. All I need to do now is get over this cold so I can pick them up! This is such a huge relief as I haven’t been able to go out in months without #Migraines , #Photophobia , eye pain, meaning I wasn’t really going out. And now I can be pain free very soon! Now I just need to advocate and figure out how to get the other custom pair that is for everything else that isn’t distance magnification or telescopic use covered!


Macular Degeneration at 31? #MacularDegeneration #VisualImpairment #VisionLoss #Blindness

In July 2020 I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. According to my Eye Doctor, my risk factors put me at risk of "vision loss" at 60% in the next 5 to 10 years.

That was a massive pill to swallow considering I was 30yo with 3 small kids and had never even heard of MD before. I did a ton of research and could not find any articles or medical journals related to MD in people younger than 50yo. Hence the name "Age Related Macular Degeneration"

After a 2nd opinion at a facility known for their state of the art technology, it was confirmed. And yet, I find myself wondering ... how can this be?

I go back and forth between believing it, and then freaking myself out if I feel like I'm noticing visual changes to Total denial and not noticing a damn thing.

Am I crazy? Am I just losing my shit? Am I really seeing visual changes and ignoring them? Or manifesting visual changes because I'm thinking about MD?

Is there anyone else around my age with this condition? I need to know I am not crazy or making this up.


Angel Therapy

Over the past two weeks, I have consistantly been running into the topic of Angel Therapy. Generally, when these types of occurances happen to me, it is some realm of existance attempting to enlighten me. It doesn’t matter to me what name one elects to assign to this occurance be it spiritual, universal, a religious, or alternative health care. It only matters that I pay attention!

I decided I needed to research Angel Therapy. I simply can’t tolerate having a conversation with myself and not knowing what I am talking about. Angel Therapy has existed since the 1980s. There are actually Angel Therapy practitioners. It is a art form connected to Reiki Therapy in some manner but a non-denominational method of connecting with our angels. This type of therapy, requires one to be open minded about ones angel beliefs. So, the researching is underway.

Since joining The Mighty, I have been plagued with one consistent thought. That is how do we stop the pain and fatigue that is robbing us of all life’s quality. I must take pause and explore this topic. I now seek Mighties who have heard of this therapy and are a bit or largely knowledgable about Angel Therapy and or tried Angel therapy. Share what you know of this modality.

#Rheumadoid Arthritis, #SystemicLupusErythematosus #PsoriaticArthritis #CrohnsDisease #UlcerativeColitis #Upallnight #Disability #BipolarDepression #ServiceDogs #communityleader #Deaf #VisualImpairment #MentalHealth #ChronicPain #AutoimmuneDisease #RareDisease