January 11, I took a phone call about a job that I applied for. I was excited because this was a job that I could do well. The job was listing items for sale online. I had been listing items for sale online since 2008. Despite my being a perfect match for the job, my disability became a silent problem but this time it was not alone.
I spoke to great lengths of my work experience selling items online, both personally and professionally. I have sold cargo trailers, a truck, comic books, clothing, pet supplies and more online. I have been successful in raising money to pay medical bills this way. I have had no training, I just did it because I had no choice.
I have used social media websites and apps as well as buy and sell websites and apps. I have sold using the websites and apps that I was asked about and ones that they had not heard of. My technical skills were a perfect match for what they were looking for.
The interview then shifted to my cover letter, specifically my ability to lift 50 pounds. I said that I could move this much weight but a spinal cord injury limited my ability . Later, I expressed my ability to work with different people. I said that I have worked with many different generations of age. I am 49 but I have worked with other people who are younger and older than I am.
After a week. I got in touch to see what was happening in regards to the job. I was told that they are "going in a different direction." The sense of defeat has been incredible. It again feels like the fight is as futile as controlling the pain and depression.
#Ableism #Ageism #Job