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How to help deal with the new requirement for calories on menus

The new requirement for restaurants and cafes to display calories on menus will no doubt challenge people with eating disorders – myself included, as I have personally suffered with anorexia. Here are some things to remember, which might help if you’re struggling with this.

Firstly, calories aren’t the enemy. Calories are simply units of energy, which everyone needs in order for your body to carry out its basic functions. You wouldn’t tell your younger self that you couldn’t have that cookie because it had ‘too many’ calories in it, would you? You wouldn’t make your younger self have that plain salad instead of pizza would you? So why would you now? You are still as deserving as your younger self to have full food freedom and have permission to live your life to the fullest, without a number on a flimsy menu telling you otherwise.

Secondly, for someone with an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa, it may be hard to have foods that you’re scared you may not like, and it be a ‘waste of calories’. But calories aren’t a currency you spend, they’re something everyone needs to live! When you’re older, looking back on your life, don’t you want to say you made the most of it, and enjoyed it to the fullest? Don’t let a number control you. Calories aren’t money and you don’t need to ‘save’ them up, or decide what to get with them. You control food. Don’t let food control you. Because a life of food freedom, will always be better than a life listening to an eating disorder.

Lastly, calories aren’t an exact science. They’re simply an indicator of how much energy a food contains. Your body doesn’t care if it’s had X more calories than usual; it only cares that it’s getting enough fuel.

#BodyPositivity #EatingDisorderRecovery #anorexiarecovery #Selfacceptance #eatingdisorderawareness #tipsandtricks

One thing I can promise you is that once you push through the hardest parts of recovery, you will not regret it. I can't promise that things will be perfect, or that recovery will be easy. But I promise that you will find yourself again and things will be so much better than they are.

So, don’t let this new law knock you back. Get that pudding. Eat what younger you would really want. You wouldn’t tell your friends they couldn’t have something, so why would you tell yourself that? Don’t let a number on a menu get in the way of you enjoying yourself and creating memories. You’ve got this!

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Recovery can often feel like you are “missing out” on important parts of life but it’s so important to remember that you aren’t “missing out”. You are putting yourself first so you can truly enjoy those moments #EatingDisorders #anorexiarecovery #Recovery


Recovery is not linear #MightyTogether

You'll see an article from me soon about my struggle with anorexia amidst a high stress career with kids and #COVID19 lock down thrown in. I am currently completing my 2nd treatment stay of 2020. Due to being discharged during #COVID19   lock down after my first stay, which I wrote about in my article, recovery didn't come wrapped neatly in a box with a bow. I did, however, start my 2nd stay of 2020 in a much different place and ready to put the work into making this just a stop on my journey to full recovery. I look forward to sharing more on my#anorexiarecovery story in another article here soon.


My eating disorder habits are coming back?

They never fully went away, if I’m honest. I was on the edge of a proper recovery. I was working through deep rooted issues, outside of food and weight, that would’ve helped me move on from myself at my sickest. However, recently several extremely traumatic events have happened to me and I’m noticing the anorexic voice getting louder and becoming debilitating. I know I can’t let it take control but I’m finding it so incredibly hard not to give in at the moment. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. #Anorexia #EatingDisorders #anorexiarecovery #EatingDisorderRecovery


how am I going to deal with my body shaming mother over Christmas break in a warm place?

my family has planned a trip somewhere warm near the water for Christmas and I’m going to be in a swimsuit hopefully (or at least doing my best to) enjoy myself.... but my mom my whole life has commented on my body and how I would look better if I was skinnier, more fit, worked out a part of my body, etc.... I have recently put on about 30 pounds (I’m 5’0 tall... so it’s quite a bit on a small frame)... I the last time she saw me in a swimsuit she made comments and faces.... I have no idea what to do... this has caused me a lot of anxiety and pushed me towards eating disorders in my past (for which I have been recovering from over the past 3 years with help from my amazing partner)..... what should I do? please help.... #BodyShaming #bodyconfidence #BodyPositive #BodyImage #Anxiety #Depression #EatingDisorders #anorexiarecovery


is anyone else scared of relapse?

I have struggled with an eating disorder for over 7 years. I finally sought help. I am in recovery but I am afraid what will happen when I complete my treatment.


Is it normal to gain weight this quickly?

I’ve been inpatient for anorexia for 5 days. I’ve been weighed for 4/5 of those days. Over the last 2 days my weight has suddenly jumped up by nearly 1kg and I’m really freaking out about it. I am still going through refeeding stages before moving onto the full meal plan. Apologies if this is in any way triggering. #AnorexiaNervosa #anorexiarecovery #EatingDisorders #Inpatient #weightgain #weightrestoration #IsItNormal


Chai Tea Latte

Occasionally I write things worth sharing. Here is a peice I wrote brought to you by my newest creative adventure

Chai Tea Latte

It Starts by hurridly saying "non-fat"
to the barista
A desicion made not because
your chai tea latte tastes better whith skim milk, but becauses of an involuntary calculator
practicing addition in your head

Next You Can't sit without shaking your leg
It may only burn a few calories,
but every movement detucts from the seemingly giant number
flashing brightly in your mind

Breakfast is no longer on the agenda for the day.
Lunch fades away
quickly followed by dinner

The only thing left in your diet is gummy bears and pretzels

Standing up has become a test in stability
gatorade becomes a major food group,
but has to much sugar

it's replaced with black coffee
That's just as hydrating,

A world ones colorful has turned
black and white

Your in a hole that goes
deeper and deeper in the ground
with the passing of each day

The casket lowers.
You Scream,
but not loud enough
to be saved

Let me help you

It starts by leaving out the words "non-fat"
while ordering your chai tea latte.

#anorexiarecovery #StrongerthanED #EatingDisorders


How do you fight something that makes you feel good? #AnorexiaNervosa #anorexiarecovery

I know I’m losing more weight when I’m nothing suppose to. I can see my ribs beginning to show just slightly and my spine is poking out more than it used to. I know it’s not healthy but somehow I like it. Help. I don’t know how to fight something like this.