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Tips for emotional eating?

I think I’m developing binge eating disorder or at least for sure emotional eating, I’m pretty overweight for my age but based on my ethnicity and such we are more naturally curvy or plus sized, but regardless for health and trying to slim down or at least be healthier/ more active and eat healthier or less big portions. What are your tips or anything that helps you personally if you struggle with this or even if you don’t any ideas, or anything you have personally looked up online/ learned in therapy etc.

Thanks!! Appreciate it! Super hard to lose weight but I really need to make a change :c before I gain more weight I’m currently 85kg and 5”3 so it’s definitely too high for my frame. Mainly the thighs and also lately my stomach/waist.

#EmotionalEating #eating #BingeEatingDisorder #Mindfulness #Overeating #needtomakeachange #plusiszed #Overweight #Health #Tips #physicalhealth #BodyPositivity #Fitness #loseweight #Motivation #Advice #nutrition


New year resolutions and self love

My resolutions this year were different from last year. I made 3 goals for each month to accomplish instead of creating a large impossible list for all year. Also I am giving myself grace on not always keeping to my excercise schedule. I won’t expect perfection from myself. I also set boundaries for myself for social settings, friendships, relationships, mental, physical, and emotional health. I have learned that if I want to truly love myself, I have to prioritize myself. I refuse to be ashamed of my disabled body and I will know my worth and love all of me. What are some of y’all’s goals for this year? #BodyPositivity #goals #Selflove


I have #PolycysticOvarySyndrome . I found out I had it after I gave birth to my son and I basically never got a regular period again. I had regular ones before pregnancy. For a few years I didn’t get one at all and had to take a pill to induce it each month. Well, I’ve been working on a healthy lifestyle lately and I’ve lost 35 pounds! Today, I GOT MY FIRST PERIOD ON MY OWN IN NEARLY 5 YEARS!!!!!! I’ve never been so happy. I cried. #BodyPositivity

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How to help deal with the new requirement for calories on menus

The new requirement for restaurants and cafes to display calories on menus will no doubt challenge people with eating disorders – myself included, as I have personally suffered with anorexia. Here are some things to remember, which might help if you’re struggling with this.

Firstly, calories aren’t the enemy. Calories are simply units of energy, which everyone needs in order for your body to carry out its basic functions. You wouldn’t tell your younger self that you couldn’t have that cookie because it had ‘too many’ calories in it, would you? You wouldn’t make your younger self have that plain salad instead of pizza would you? So why would you now? You are still as deserving as your younger self to have full food freedom and have permission to live your life to the fullest, without a number on a flimsy menu telling you otherwise.

Secondly, for someone with an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa, it may be hard to have foods that you’re scared you may not like, and it be a ‘waste of calories’. But calories aren’t a currency you spend, they’re something everyone needs to live! When you’re older, looking back on your life, don’t you want to say you made the most of it, and enjoyed it to the fullest? Don’t let a number control you. Calories aren’t money and you don’t need to ‘save’ them up, or decide what to get with them. You control food. Don’t let food control you. Because a life of food freedom, will always be better than a life listening to an eating disorder.

Lastly, calories aren’t an exact science. They’re simply an indicator of how much energy a food contains. Your body doesn’t care if it’s had X more calories than usual; it only cares that it’s getting enough fuel.

#BodyPositivity #EatingDisorderRecovery #anorexiarecovery #Selfacceptance #eatingdisorderawareness #tipsandtricks

One thing I can promise you is that once you push through the hardest parts of recovery, you will not regret it. I can't promise that things will be perfect, or that recovery will be easy. But I promise that you will find yourself again and things will be so much better than they are.

So, don’t let this new law knock you back. Get that pudding. Eat what younger you would really want. You wouldn’t tell your friends they couldn’t have something, so why would you tell yourself that? Don’t let a number on a menu get in the way of you enjoying yourself and creating memories. You’ve got this!

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Still Learning to Love Myself

I remember when I was very young feeling so much larger than my friends when I was extremely petite. Always frustrated, not feeling any worth. When I was 14, I got food poisoning and lost weight. From there on I blamed my developing eating disorder on not being able to gain that weight back. Lying was easier than admitting that I had a problem. When I was 24 I came close to dying from Anorexia. I recovered and am still in recovery. I truly hope I can learn to love my body. The body that kept me alive when I was born three months early. The body that supports me and wakes me up every day to live another day. It’s a hard journey loving something that you hate. Something that people don’t understand because in their opinion you look good, you look fine. If you are like me, 32 years old, and still accepting your beauty and body, you aren’t alone. In a realness, Body Positivity is so much harder than they make it seem. Let’s learn to love ourselves for where we are at, not where we will be in 5 months or 2 years. #learntoloveyourself #BodyPositivity #EatingDisorderRecovery #MentalHealth #Recovery #Hope #Selfesteem


Learning to love myself and my body at 32.

#EatingDisorder #learntoloveyourself #Recovery

I remember when I was very young feeling so much larger than my friends when I was extremely petite. Always frustrated, not feeling any worth. When I was 14, I got food poisoning and lost weight. From there on I blamed my developing eating disorder on not being able to gain that weight back. Lying was easier than admitting that I had a problem. When I was 24 I came close to dying from #Anorexia It's hard to love something you hate. Something that people don’t understand because in their opinion you look good, you look fine. If you are like me, 32 years old, and still accepting your beauty and body, you aren’t alone. In a realness, #BodyPositivity is so much harder than they make it seem. Let’s learn to love ourselves for where we are at, not where we will be in 5 months or 2 years.


A List of Things that I Am Doing Because I Choose to Adopt Health At Every Size.

1. Be open about rejecting dieting with family and friends.
2. Refusing to diet.
3. Eating when I feel like it, choosing foods I like regardless of their caloric content.
4. Refusing to follow any influencers that promote workouts.
5. Deleting meal planning apps from my phone.
6. Deleting exercising apps from my phone.
7. Deleting dieting articles I’ve saved.
8. Reading books about body positivity.
9. Writing articles regarding body Dysmorphic disorder.
10. Cutting out people attempting to fat shame me.
11. Cutting out articles regarding diets.
12. Taking medication solely for my hormonal health.

#healthateverysize #BodyPositivity

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#ArtTherapy for #BodyPositive Thinking!

Hello lovelies! In January of this year, I was diagnosed with a #ThyroidDisease that causes me to put on weight and lack energy and metabolism to get rid of it, as well as adding to the #ChronicPain I already experience with #Endometriosis and back injury.

Having struggled with #EatingDisorders for most of my life, this diagnosis first felt like a confirmation that my body was working against me, that I would never achieve the body I wanted. There was something to blame but it was the very body that I had hated for most of life.

This is why #BodyPositivity has been so extremely vital in my chronic illness journey. I had to shift the way I viewed and treated my body or I would never be able to nourish it the way I needed to. I could not be at odds with my body when it needed love and care the most.

Through art (painting, photography and poetry in particular), I have forced this #Acceptance on myself, viewing my body as a beautiful vessel for my soul; the thing that carries me into the ocean and through the sand, the thing that holds my girlfriend and pets my dogs.

The piece above is a good example of connecting my body (on the left) with beauty and nature through my art. I hope this inspires you all to try the same!

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My journey towards #BodyPositivity

I am not someone who typically reaches out or asks for help. I am the “funny fat girl” who finds joy lifting others up while internalizing my own struggles. I am coming to realize that, just maybe, I deserve some of that kindness that I show others. I have struggled with my weight and self image for as long as I can remember. It’s strange to think about how much power I have given that internal voice that always tells me I am not good enough because of the way I look. I’ve had years of practice learning how to hate myself because of something that says nothing about who I am as a person.
My bullies were the people closest to me, my family. I love them immensely, but I’ve never told them how completely devastated they made me feel growing up. A fat joke here, a fat joke there; their words all implied to me that I was some how less, that there was something infinitely wrong with me. So I developed the funny fat girl persona. For me, I think it was a way to make the laughter hurt a little less. People seemed to accept the funny fat girl, remember, I like to help people even if I suffer as a consequence.
So, that is the persona I took with myself into the world of adulthood. I got so good at it that people are surprised when I tell them I am an introvert or that I sometimes struggle with depression because I feel like I’m the worst thing a person could be, I am fat. That seems silly to say, but I have felt that way. My negative self image has fostered a fear of judgment, which triggers social anxiety whenever I leave the house.
I have had a spattering of relationships that have scarred me in ways I am still realizing, but I now find myself married to my best friend. My husband is a gift I never thought I deserved. He has helped me grow in so many ways. He has taught me what it feels like to be accepted and respected by another person, which brings me to my journey. I want to learn how to love and accept myself. I want to be like those girls on Instagram who have found peace with their bodies. The simple fact is that I may always carry extra weight. I’m tired of holding my happiness hostage. I may very well lose weight, but the love I allow myself cannot be dependent on such an unreliable source. So, I am stepping outside my comfort zone and reaching out to the void for like minded souls. I have often thought, it’s not fair. Everyone struggles with something, but my struggle is plainly displayed for all the world to see. What would happen if I let that go? What would happen if I learned to love my body regardless of its size. What does body positivity mean to me?