Does anyone else struggle to answer questions about eating?
At my ED appointments I am constantly being asked about why I don’t like eating, whether it is the texture/flavour of food or thoughts that stress me out, whether my anorexia is fuelled by not wanting to eat or a desire to lose weight, if there are foods I like the taste of/dislike and every time I get asked these I just freeze and don’t know what to say. I feel ridiculous for not knowing how to answer these, not knowing what specifically makes eating so hard and not knowing why I use these behaviours. I just can’t pinpoint what the problem is, and I feel weirdly embarrassed to even say anything about food anyway. Does anyone else feel this way? Does anyone else know how to deal with it? I feel like I make appointments so awkward and I am wasting my clinicians’ time by never being able to give them straight answers. I’m so frustrated at myself. How can I not know why I feel the need to starve myself? #AnorexiaNervosa #EatingDisorders #Advice #Cananyonerelate #appointmentanxiety #MentalHealth