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2nd Shared Inspiration

I know that at times when it seems life feels to extreme my mind starts in with negative self-talk. In which I count my blessings daily so there's no room for negativity. This sticker reminded me that I am NOT that negative junk!
#daily inspirations #mental health and addictions #Recovery warriors #Rape sexual assault survivors #mental health memes #the bendy bunch

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Hope#daily readings

My son and daughter-in-law gave me Nancy Guthrie’s daily reading book : a year of hope (I think that’s correct). I found comforting, encouraging, thoughtful, challenging…

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#daily reflections and journal

Trying to figure out better access to medical care !
Went to my garden box and picked couple lemon cucumber and couple small tomatoes.
Shared some fruit and veggies with someone else 😜.

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Extremely exhausted

Practiced self care part of the day to prepare working on phone issues again. Don't understand all this tech stuff .
Just ate last of my homemade split pea soup, tastes even better on second day.
I have a friend coming over Sunday afternoon whose mom just got cancer diagnosis. Very tough time for my friend who's going to online college classes for social worker. I want to be able to help her through this. I need good thoughts for both my friend and her mom. As a cancer survivor I'm going to need positive energy to help them .
#daily reflections and journal, #chronic pain, #Fibromyalgia , #Bipolar , #Distract me, #check in with me, #Thought of the day
Thanks mighties for being here.


Saturday relaxing 😎

Took a good walk early morning to several places and scored on coupons. Our weather in my part of Oregon is abnormally calm and fairly dry. Allowing me to get things done on my weekends even with out my caregiver.
Drinking coffee with coconut milk and brown sugar for an awesome latte.
I connected with someone last night that awesome in her story. Brought tears of joy n pain cuz so much rang true. for me.
I'm a double Survivor
Breast Cancer 17 yrs
Rape several times

#Bipolar #mighty together #Distract me #daily reflections and
#fighter #caring ##forgiving #
been using my coloring apps on my phone to distract and for grounding against flashbacks! I'm sjournalo glad I found the mighty. People that get it! That live it!
Thank you mighties for being here.
We ROCK ##positive thought of the day #Never iveUp #Fibromyalgia #


Hectic day

Total confusion of appts and other things due to the holiday. Too many people taking extra days off further messing up my schedule.
My caregiver and I made potatoes n ham n cheese dish in the oven . We went for a good walk late today. Been pretty cold last few days and nights. Lots of thick fog!
My MH peer support person is back from vacation tomorrow so we meet and walk to store to check Lucky Number Tuesday. I've won something 3 times since October. Best prize was a salad shooter machine. Makes some chores of meal prep much quicker. Grated a block of parmesan cheese 🧀 little bit ago. Still have my knuckles 🤣.
Distraction was a good tool for me today. It helps me manage among the stress and anxiety sometimes.
#chronic pain#Fibromyalgia ,#Anxiety ,#Bipolar ,#Depression ,#chronic illnesses,#positive thoughts,#daily reflections and journal,#check in with me,#Distract me,#52 small things

Thanks mighties for the listen and signing off. Enjoy your night, morning whatever!


Friday 😄🤣😄

#chronic pain, #Distract me,#daily reflections and journal,#Fibromyalgia ,#seasonal affective,#Bipolar ,#Thoughts of the Day,#check in with me,#mighty together, positive quote,
So glad it's Friday night and no obligations next two days. Finish healing my achy feet.
Went to my art group this morning and it was a great relief, change of pace. Finished a cat picture I've been coloring on for several weeks.
She looks great in her new colors!
Took care of some big phone calls
I'm going to practice self care thru the
Signing off mighties.
Thanks for being here 🙂😊.



Beautiful Wednesday

Very cool morning but SUN came to visit. My caregiver and I went to my appointment then some errands, one to a special bakery- Liberated Bakery. Gluten Free baked goods! I save up bottle money from residents in my building just to buy my treats.
We came home and got busy cooking Spanish rice, and meatloaf.
I got a turkey 🦃 for the holiday but too much for me so I gave it to my caregiver. She's cooking for many people.

I'm finally feeling better after getting back on medication that was stopped to aid in my booster vaccine working better but I got horribly sick with chronic pain in my feet joints to the point of not being able to walk .
I'm back in action!
#positivevthoughts , #chronic illnesses, #daily reflections and journal, ##Distract me, #check in with me, #Bipolar ,#Anxiety , #grateful ,
Thanks to all the mighties here.
Signing off.


Tuesday evening

Back up and running 😀. Feet still hurting but not nearly as much and was given some good sleep last night!
We had a beautiful fall day of sun and then haze. No rain!
I walked to two stores and coffee shop before 9am today. Rested for quite awhile. Cleaned out some old stuff to garbage and recycling. Listening to sports on TV then lights out.
#chronic pain,#chronic illnesses,#fibrromyalgia ,#Bipolar ,#Anxiety ,#check in with me,#Distract me,#mighty together,#daily reflections and journal,##grateful .
Thanks for the mighties here!
Signing off.