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Saw my chemo schedule today online. Freaking out

When I spoke with the Dr he said I’d have 4 rounds of one drug. 3 weeks of another. First date is this Wednesday 2/14.

Thats the first of 16. Four treatments is a round. Not what I was expecting. I ending up freaking out and sleeping a 3 hour stress nap.

Strangely enough when I awoke, about 10 minutes later I received a phone call from my credit union stating there was fraud. During the call alarm bells went off. Things he was was saying weren’t like other calls I’ve received. I told him these are things you should know as an employee he didn’t say anything. When I said I’ll call back he hung up mid sentence. I called the CU and they confirmed no fraud was on my account. She helped me change several things to further protect our accounts.

Very strange day. My husband was hoping to take vacation days and take me. It’s not going to happen. Not all of them.

Liter before the cancer diagnosis we were days away from putting our house up for sale and move from GA to AZ. My chemo schedule goes through June. Possibly July with the other 3 weeks he mentioned.

This delay is another stress heap on top of the other 2 today. I will get through this it’s just all a bit daunting at this moment

#BreastCancer #Cancer #chemo

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Any advice as to what to bring to chemo?

I start my first round 2/14/24. I have a cooler, blanket, sleep mask, tumbler for water. I’ve ordered anti nausea bracelets and ice packs for my hands and feet. Is there something else that you brought that you’d suggest?

#Cancer #BreastCancer #chemo

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Neuropathy again why me??

Jeez I woke up to neuropathy burning and stiffness in my body I guess I take Tylenol on top of vitamin b and pain pill today I am guessing this is going to happen after every single chemo treatment I am not liking this part I already have joint pain anyway! Lord help me! I am going to fight it though and work on my pile of coloring for people. And listen to my music that's all that can get me through this. #ovarian cancer #chemo neuropathy


This story is near and dear to me so I thought I'd share again. IG: @medicalmiss_stress

A Trip to the Chemo Ward Taught Me About Loneliness - and Empathy " originalText=" "> #Cancer #ChronicIllness #Type1Diabetes #Fibromyalgia #MECFS #retinopathy #Music #Songwriter #Gastroparesis #Neuropathy #hashimotos


I’m scared. Family caregiver daddy diagnosed with myleoplastic syndrome ( precursor to blood cancer) 10/2017 started 4 consecutive days of chemotherapy every 4 weeks. Momma hospitalized 11/2017 died 12/2017. He was given 3 years it’s been 4. I’m tired, lonely, scared,and grieving. It’s so much more piled on to more I’m overwhelmed and can’t find a starting place. I need help with how to start without ranting, saying to much and I don’t know. My brother & his girlfriend moved in with daddy & me uninvited and without permission a year after momma died. They bullied me, took advantage of us financially, emotionally, mentally,and very much verbally. it has also affected us spiritually. Covid affected us socially and they took advantage of that. Finally physically with me. He went to jail. No contact order issued. They are gone but OMG the hoarding!! Now zero help. Gave dad Covid. He was on hospice but didn’t die 6/2021. We are broke. I can’t tell my daddy, he worked so hard. He’s 84 I will be 57 next month. I’ve needed both knees replacement surgery, bonded my son, only child out of jail to help. Humongous mistake. He’s in the wind. I cannot get any physical help with my daddy unless he goes on hospice. I have checked into every single thing no help available. We make too much money. Too much money but not enough to live on and my car broke yesterday. Post narcissistic abuse? Hell yes. ☮️✌️#Caregiving #Cancer #chemo #COVID #NarcissisticAbuse #frombrother #wornout


Are you my mother #Lupus #Fibromyalgia #chemo

I couldn’t do it. Literally, I did not have the strength to lift Kylie up. I had been struggling recently, feeling weak and having numbness on one side of my body and then on the other. I was doing a little physical therapy for that, but had just started a new job that required a lot of traveling so I kind of dropped the ball on therapy. Doctors didn’t know what was wrong so I just did what I do — I pushed on. Some might say I was burying my head in the sand or shoving the issue under the rug. Maybe I was. Maybe I was hiding from it all.