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Been hanging around for a while… #Fibromyalgia #hypermobileehlers-DanlosSyndrome(hEDS) #coeliac #Bronchiectasis

Hi I’m Caroline and in the UK. I’m not exactly new here, I’ve been hanging around for months, reading a few posts and stuff. I’m currently having an 18 month long flare up which is making it really hard to function. About 12 years ago this wouldn’t have been a major problem but these days I work full time as a teacher. I’m the only one in my family who’s been well enough to work and what with covid and stuff and we have a lot of debt so I’m struggling along trying to do my best at work, while home descends into a filthy, cluttered hole.
I’m lucky that I have friends who understand how I feel, but I’ll be honest, before this current flare it has been over 15 years since I’d had one and I can’t get used to the permanent exhaustion. It’s really getting me down 😢 #fibroflare #SpoonieProblems #Working


Advice for Anorexia recoverer and coeliac referral? #EatingDisorders #AnorexiaNervosa #coeliac #CeliacDisease #Advice #Celiac

I am recovering/recovered from Anorexia Nervosa and have been pretty stable for about 6 months, but I have recently been referred for Coeliac testing after positive blood test results. I might be jumping the gun as I have no diagnosis yet, but I'm finding the whole thing stressful and triggering (e.g. non-deliberate weight loss, fear of gaining weight again on a gluten free diet (ed recovery thoughts are so hypocritical 🙄), fear of gastro endoscopy tube, anxiety about having to restrict my diet and it triggering relapse) Any advice or experience would be appreciated!

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#Epiphany #Cancer #IntracranialHypertension #PseudotumorCerebri #coeliac #Depression #ChronicIllness #Granulomaannulare

I was going to title this goodbye old me but then I decided it needs to be upbeat. I’ve been on the marathon in the hell of chronic illness since 2011.

I’ve mourned myself for the past few years (much harder than the “friendships” you mourn after a cancer diagnosis!) I’ve wished and tried so hard to be that person again, the carefree 28 year old - that one who had the oh so blissful “those things don’t happen to me” outlook... the one who didn’t know the absolute kick in the stomach feeling of a life turned upside down by a diagnosis.
I have missed me so much and I’ve finally had an epiphany - I can not be her again, this is me!

I’m so tired, tired of trying to be her while being tired from battling chronic illness. I’ve exhausted myself fighting my new me and fighting my mind... it’s time to submit to new me.
Time to embrace this new life & realize if I overdo myself then I will have a flare up, I will be tired and I will need to rest.

The girl who was a fitness junkie is gone and it’s ok that she has gone, this body has carried me through this rough journey and birthed three kids - I need to be thankful and embrace that body. She is tired, but she is beautiful.

So 2019 is my year to let go and be the best new me I can be. To have empathy for this new me is so important also. I am sure I will come out of the darkness if I can carry these thoughts through. Who’s in?