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Do you want to go back to normal? #normalcy #normallife

Do you wish to return to "Normal" life With everything just the same? Are you one who wishes everything stay the "Same" .Life move forward the why it is. Like keep social distancing/wearing masks.

I do like to see life going back to close to normal has it can. I do expect things to be a little different.

This question was asked in my Zoom group!#Covidsucks #MentalHealth


Mental exhaustion

I returned to work on-site this week. It’s so weird adjusting to seeing kids in person again. I feel I’m having to relearn a job that I’ve been doing for 10 years. The hallways don’t have kids running instead of walking down them, the playground isn’t filled with children running around and jumping rope or playing Four Square. I especially miss the students hugging me because we are happy to see each other. #Teacher #missmystudents #nohugging #isolatedatwork #Covidsucks

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RIP MOM COVID victim #Covidsucks #wearamask

Last November I lost my dad due to #Cancer , it was a huge blow to our family, but after Christmas my mom fell ill with #COVID19 , after fighting for her life for almost a month she lost her battle last week... please be safe, wear a #facemask , #washyourhands and take care of your family... you’ll never know when they will be gone... #Vasculitis #AnkylosingSpondylitis

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Covid-19 vaccine! #COVID19 #neverlosehope

Yes, I'm 27. Yes, I HATE needles. Yes, I sat on my grandma's lap while I got my vaccine. But also yes for saving lives and keeping everyone else and the residents safe. I am so thankful I got to spend this unforgettable moment with my grandma and my mom. Here's to a new year and hopefully soon here's to kicking Covid-19 in the A*$!! 😛👊 ❤ #Covidsucks #AlzheimersDisease 💜 #savinglives


Missing Everyone


I just reeally miss being able to be around everyboddy that I love and care about. especially my best friend and my boyfriend.



From my last post, I think my symptoms are getting better I’m slowly gaining my taste and smell back. But I still have minor aches 😖 hopefully that will go away soon #COVID19 #Health #Anxiety #HealthAnxiety #Emo #Depression #Covidsucks #help

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Music is so hard to make in this global pandemic #LostVoiceGuy

Have you ever tried to listen to music during this global pandemic, to simply get thru another day, we’ll, I feel the music industry is coming to a stand still, so unfortunate, but so true. # so much for music #Covidsucks

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Procedure during COVID

Today is the day I’ve been waiting for since February. I go into the hospital every 3 months for a scope and tests to see how close I am to internally bleeding. After a previous procedure was successful the doctor said they’d see me in April. Then COVID hit and cancelled everything. Today I go in to see if my life is flipped upside down again. If the things that bleed have grown back then I’ll be back to hospitalizations and explorative procedures where they enter my body while I’m wide awake. My family lives 16 hours out of province, normally they’d be here for stuff like this. So today I go alone... #GastrointestinalDiscomfort #HospitalBag #Covidsucks #PTSD #Anxiety #living without a spleen


At the end of the day #Night



At the start of the day, I think:

This will maybe be okay. I am worried. I do my meditation.

I feel better. I play with my dog. I work on things.

I have meals.

I exercise. But the gnawing comes with the news. And the realization. Things are not normal. It is always a slow realization. They will never go back to how they were. Maybe they shouldn’t. And I miss some things.

So I write. Or I watch TV. Or I just be. And the calm comes over me again. Like the night before. I turn on The Office. And things are as they should be. There is no virus at this time. At least I am lucky enough not to have had it come for me *knock on wood*. So I write more. And then, with my calm, I go to bed. Night is my calm. Night is my rest. Night is beautiful. I believe in the hope of tomorrow. I believe we can get through this. Because every day I go to bed with some hope in my heart. And that is worth everything.

#Covidsucks #OCD I had to write this down so you could see.