Best pain reliever for nerve pain, that works?
It's 8:44am right now and im delirious from no sleep and pain. I have lipodermatosclerosis, two types of vasculitis and type 2 diabetes. I'm at a lost with pain. Of course the doctor has prescribed over and over and so far they hardly touch it. Nerve pain is so hard to handle. I am a recovering addict and I can only take so much ibuprofen. I also have cannibas hypernasia syndrome so I can't use that. Is there any suggestions at all?!?! I already elevate them, ice plunge, I am having trouble getting compression socks because I cannot afford them. I need the dang $20 a pair and over ones, cuz I am a chubbs and then they swell so i need special sized ones. Anyways if you have any advice please help. #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #CheckInWithMe