Hi I'm Scott from Grand Rapids Michigan
I'm new to this group, I am 58 with cerebral palsy and scoliosis #CP #Scoliosis
I'm new to this group, I am 58 with cerebral palsy and scoliosis #CP #Scoliosis
“They will love you and will figure out how to get close to you.… It’s interesting that even though the attendants feed them, they know I’m their mama."
"I have found that all the pets I’ve had have accommodated me. All my cats have jumped on my lap where I can pet them, and they’ve all slept with me where we can cuddle,” says Lopez, who has #arthrogryposis.
How do your pets accommodate you?
Read about more cool cats, down doggies and righteous reptiles: How to Manage Pets as a Wheelchair User
#multiplesclerosis #Disability #CP #Pets #Wheelchair #MightyTogether #ChronicIllness #autoimmune #newlydiagnosed #Caregiving
Does anyone know how I could start writing a book or a blog about my life?
° " Work Was Extremely Busy And Stressful... My Male Boss Was So Out Of It Today... That When I Came Into Work At 8A.M.... Thing's Were Insane A Customer That's In The Military Waited More Than An Hour For 2 Taco Boxe's To Go.. My Friend Was Super Stressed Out To The Point That She Called Our G.M. In Tear's... As The Day Progressed On... Thing's Got Worse For Me... Since I Clean The Bathroom's... Someone Messed Up And Clogged The Woman's Restroom... And It Was Like A Nasty Nightmare... I Will Never Forget This Day.. And Then Our Male Boss Has This Play Thing As In A 19 Year Old Girlfriend.. That Come's To See And Distract Him Alway's.. And Today He Left Us Litterly Running The Restaurant Unsupervised Lolz... He Left To Walk To Walgreen's And Talk To His Girlfriend... For A Good While... Customer's Were Getting Angry At Me For The Neverending Slow Service... Like How Is This Alway's My Fault And I'm The Punching Bag... I Was Just Extremely Angry And Stressed Out.. By The End Of The Day.. I Made $7 In Tip's... And I Was Extremely Proud To Have Served A Severely Injured Soldier. " ° Sincerely, ☆▪︎☆S.K.☆▪︎☆ #WorkSux #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #ChronicPain #CP #Scoliosis #social Anxiety Disorder
MY INTERVIEW WITH DSP Alexandria Langston
3/6/20230 Comments
interview with a dsp/cna
* Required
Alexandria Langston
What is your full title
*Qualified Medication Aide, Certified Nursing Assistant, Direct Support Professional, Certified Demtenia Practioner
What was the moment you realized that you wanted to get into the healthcare industry?*
I was 15 and did the CNA program at Anthis because it came with dual credits for college. I got placed at Saint Anne's and it literally felt like a home there.
What is an important aspect of being a direct support person in the waiver system in Indian?
*Respecting clients even if they are non verbal. Every one deserves to be respected.
Before working in the healthcare industry, did you know about the waiver system in Indiana?
*No, I just recently learned about the waiver system.
What’s one thing you would like to change about the waiver system?
I wish we could find and keep reliable help. Seems like it is hard to find in this aspect of Healthcare especially.
Do you think it’s important to be knowledgeable on supportive decision making when you’re dealing with the waiver system in regards to individuals with a disability, physically and intellectually?
*Yes. I believe everyone has the right to know what is happening.
how has it affected you on a daily basis?
I have realized their needs to be more change with the waiver system. It should be held to higher standards.
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Hi everyone! I'm Aly, I have spina bifida and cerebral palsy, I want to spread awareness and tell my story. Any ideas on where to start or what to write about?? #SpinaBifida #SpinaBifidaAwareness . #CP
Hi how many of you have to deal with eyes that don’t work together also is the surgery worth it? #DistractMe #Epilepsy #CP #Upallnight
I'm so sick of the invalidation I receive almost on a daily basis. Just because my disability isn't one of the "acceptable" disabilities. Why do I always have to prove myself? Why am I always being questioned? I want to be able to tell people about what I have and get the services I need without jumping through the hoops I genuinely can't jump through. I don't want to be dismissed anymore. I want to be seen and heard. Just like I deserve
#MentalHealth #Disability #tired #CP #Depression #Anxiety #validation #seenandheard