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One step forward, three steps back #MDD #BPD #Anxiety #Cronic Pain

Depression has reared its ugly head again today. Couldn't work, just staying in bed as my head is too loud. So many thoughts, nothing is making sense. I'm exhausted. It's hard to explain what I go through, I can't even understand it myself. What's on your mind? Why can't you snap out of it? Just think about something else....
It's maddening. 😡
I am feeling every ache, every pain and I know tomorrow will be a different day. Is 6:30 pm too early to go to bed?

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Why am I'm a magnet for men who want to debase or scam me financially.

I'm on my 3rd divorce we've been apart for 13+ yrs. married 24. He purchased this foreclosure home said I could fix it up and live in it. Use his benefits when he passed, he lives with his gf for 13 yrs. This past Nov. I was blindsided by divorce pprs claiming I owe him all this money, he claims he's in debt he's taken out multiple loans & credit cards he took out most of the equity in the house I'm fixing up. In our state I'm responsible for half his debts. I'm on a low fixed income .
Also I have been following the Ukraine war. Sending messages of hope praying for them. Then I get these guys pretending they are soldiers sending pics trying to romance me then asking for money. I know about scamming I don't fall for it. I feel like I have this big bulls eye target on my back. Why does me caring cause all the nasty people to show up?
#ADHD #Anxiety #Fibromyalgia #Cronic Fatigue# #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #Raynard syndrome #Peripheral neuropathy #Gout #Shingles

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Told I have endometriosis again

Hey friends in need of desperate advice as doctors are being confusing and I am at a loss with my health.

I am in big pain that has just been getting worse for the past 3 months. Endo has been thrown around in the past but not much came of it, now after having my first baby everything changed. I have been having constant cramps, and mix of constipation and liquid stool and like running to the washroom in pain. Now I moved to the okanagan and got a new DR but don't know what to do to get the help I need. They are nor taking me seriously.

In September I went to the ER my stomach looked like I was in my 4th trimester and I said I presumed endo belly, nobody had no idea what that was and said that endo pain only happens when you mensrate.

I have been in extream pain since. Now I have lost weight, and like seriously need help but all I get is Tylnol.

Oh I did a bunch of lab work done, and my iron count is 7..... along with low hemoglobin.

I guess this is more of a vent I am tired, loosing weight being told to go on all kinds of diets... I just need help like really bad. I can barley sleep anymore. #Cronic #Pain #Endometriosis #chrohns

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#Cronic pain

#ChronicPain . It’s really bad today! However, my sweet pup, Chewy, snuggles with me while I read.

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#Cronic pain

#ChronicPain . It’s really bad today...however, my sweet pup, Chewy, is great company and snuggles with me while I read.

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#Cronic sinuses #fibromayalgia What helps with chronic sinusitis, normal anti allergic tablets, sprays doesn’t help me at all.

My nose seems to running all the time! I’m always standing with a tissue in my hand. Any of you warriors out there got any advice?

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Even though my day so far has been really stressful I still managed to take a breather and draw this #primary pain disorder #Cronic pain #Fatigue

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I feel I just want to sleep till spring #Cronic pain #Fibro #pancreatitis #GI #and the list goes on

I hurt everyday all day, I feel such shame and guilt 🌸 Spring just feels like a fresh start a new begining and the fall🍂and the rain are just like the tears that quietly fall down my cheeks #its hard to be stong all the time