Feeling better now
I took a shower and changed my clothes and now I feel good. My back feels better and my sciatica stopped. I don't have a migraine. We're waiting for flutters husband to get home from work. I don't know what time we're going to dinner. I feel really good. I'm not even feeling down right now. I forgot to pack hair gel so I can't make my hair look good. My caregiver ordered some groceries and asked me what I need for when I get home. I'll have 4 days until my food stamps refills and I don't have any food left. I'm getting about 35 bucks worth. She paid for it. She really misses me. We're gonna try cuddling when I get home. I forgot how it feels to have human contact. My girlfriend has been such a cuddly bunny. She's the first person I have cuddled with in over 6 years. I can't wait to get home. I really miss her. Both of the women in my life are incredibly fantastic. I'm such a lucky puppy.